Monday, April 26, 2010

Nash and Friends

We've been busy. Yeah, I said it again. I have a feeling that this is the way it will be for the next 20 years. I have not been the best photographer lately, as we've had lots of play dates, walks, and dinners with friends, but here are a few.

Jean, Chris, and Ella came over for a quick dinner last week. Jean's about to have baby #2 very soon. Here she is practicing holding two children at once. Check out sweet Ella's eyes. She was not too fond of her Mommy holding another baby.

After more than an hour of warming up to his surroundings, Nash finally let Joanna hold him. By the end of our afternoon in Driftwood, Nash was smiling and talking to both Jane and Joanna. We had a great time!

Wait, what's this? Whose pug is Gus playing with?

Ahhh, much better.

A True Texan

On Sunday, we went out to Jane and Joanna's house in Driftwood. They have TONS of wildflowers growing and still had a few patches of blue bonnets. It's really warming up here, which unfortunately kills all of the beautiful flowers, but we got out just in time.

KP and I strolled Nash over to a patch of the unofficial Texas flowers and tried to get as many good shots of our fair-skinned baby as possible in a very short period of time.

Just Nash

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where does a week go?

Seriously, at about 5pm yesterday, I wondered what I ate for lunch only hours earlier. I could not remember. I settled on the fact that I must not have eaten, but that could not be true, as there was a plate in the sink. Hmmmm. It took me looking in the refrigerator to remember that I ate vegetarian tamales and that they were good. My brain is fried. Fried is a strangely spelled word.

Anyway, it's been a busy week, I guess. I can;t even remember what we've done other than take walks, conduct final walk-throughs for two of my upcoming closings, and try to sleep. And speaking of sleep, Nash is sleeping in his crib in his room. Who-hoo. It was much easier than I thought it would be to transition him over. He needs a humidifier and the humidifier makes my asthma flare up, so separate we must. He's still waking up at about 5 am to eat, so no change there. Having him out of our room was not really at the top of my priority list, but eventually it would have been, so it all worked out.

I have pics but they will have to wait until later, as Nash is not cooperating with my blogging.

Here's a little MJ dancin' for your Friday.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Friday

It has been a week! Between shots, which totally stunk for both Mama and baby, and our first "colicky" evening in a long time, we are pooped. Hopefully there will be some resting this weekend, but with an infant, that's all up to him!

At the doctor's visit, we learned that Nash is a 50%-er! He's 50% on height (which is great since KP and I are like 30%-ers), 25-50% on weight (which is also great because I am a 90%-er in this category), and 50-75% on head (big ole brain on baby).

Me and my sleeping baby. KP has been trying to take more pictures of us together, but I rarely post them because I always look like crap. Please do not begin to speculate whether I always look crappy or whether he snaps photos at an inopportune times. It is the latter, of course.

Mimi and Buddy came for a night last weekend before heading to a wedding in Austin on Saturday night. Buddy came and snatched Nash out of my arms to hold him. This NEVER happens. Buddy generally likes to hold babies when they are older. I guess being the third grandson has some perks!

And some bits of cute babyness from Nash. Happy Friday, all.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Nothing drives me more insane than missing clothes. In fact, I still remember that long, printed, probably-too-tight dress that went missing my junior year of high school. My Mom swears that she didn't pitch it. I am still not so sure.

Nash is only 2 months old and I have already lost 2 pairs of pants and several socks. I am okay with the socks, but the pants? He wore both last Saturday. WHERE COULD THEY BE? (They were not eaten by the dryer monster because they never made it in the laundry; I tore the house apart before I started washing.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NAP: 2 Months

Dear Nash,

Time is flying. When you were growing inside of me, time seemed to stand still. I was so anxious to meet you that weeks felt like years, but now that you are on the outside, man, time is disappearing.

I am finally getting the hang of this Mommy thing. I can sort of differentiate your cries and anticipate your needs. I feel more confident taking you out, though we're still protecting your immune system and not going to places that are gross or where people might be tempted to touch you. Yes, I am a freak like that. You are clean and precious and I don't want anyone getting you sick. We do go for long walks at the lake and through the neighborhood. You really enjoy that and going to see friends and family.

You have started to acknowledge us, which is so cool. You smile a super-gummy smile for Daddy or me, depending on who gets to be the lucky one to pick you up out of bed in the morning. You coo and kick kick. You still chirp quite a bit. We have even heard you laugh a couple of times.

Mostly though, you eat and sleep. Ahhh, sweet sleep. Thankfully you seem to take after me in this realm, at least for now. You sleep anywhere from a 4-8 hour stretch and then another 2-4 hour stretch. Generally it's 6 hours and then after a feeding, another 2. Not bad at all (or I am just getting used to the change in sleeping pattern, finally).

I spend a lot of time with you. Daddy spends all he can, but you and I, we're two peas in a pod right now. I miss you desperately when I leave you for a few hours, but you are always in good hands with Dad. This past weekend so many other people held you that I missed you even while I could see you. Crazy, I know, but wait until you have kids. It's amazing what your heart needs.

We are enjoying each day with you, little bird. You are the best thing we have ever done.


Easter 2010

Ok, so I did something I said I would "never" do. Nash got to wear a smocked outfit. And he looked adorable.

Nash's 1st Easter Basket. It had books, Pez, a cap, onsies, pacis, lotion, and a thermometer in it. Maybe next year it will contain more sugar.

The Easter Bunny treated MPTB well with an iTunes card.

V also got some gift cards from that bunny.

Aww, our first family Easter picture. Yeah, alright. I coordinated our outfits. So what? And yes, Nash did have a costume change.
And on to our annual confetti egg fight. Here is the peanut gallery. I did break one egg on Buddy's head.

More egg fight shots.

Check out Sue getting pummeled. Hhahhaha.

Mimi saved 1 dozen confetti eggs for Luke and Davis, who went to their Nana and Pappy's for Easter. We had a mini-fight on Monday morning. Poor Davis stood idly as Luke cracked an egg on his head, over and over again, until it finally broke.

Our First Road Trip as 3

Last weekend we took our first road trip. The little dude did great! We stopped once each way for a feeding (as I forgot the pumped milk in the fridge at home). We went to visit Mimi and Buddy and got to see tons of family and a few friends too.

Here are Nash and BDC Auntie Sarah's dog Dot. You didn't know that we had a double-decker stroller? Yeah, we're cool like that.

SueSue with Nashers in the morning. That's his happiest time, especially on trips. He tended to get a bit over stimulated in the evenings, so if you want good baby time, wake up early like Sue.

Here's KP's big catch! He was very proud but let the little sucker go. Swim on "giant" perch.

Aunt Donna and TC came to meet Nash. He did his first Hokey Pokey with Aunt Donna. Nash doesn't know it yet, but Aunt Donna and TC will provide him with some good entertainment for years to come!

Mimi and her sweet grandson.

The Baby Whisperer, Veronica with Nash. She's a natural (who has been told to wait until she's close to 30 to have babies!).

BDC Auntie Sarah. She came out to visit twice!

Tia (me) and PacMan (KP) with our nephews and Nash. They were serious fans of the little guy!

Davis calls Nash "his baby." I asked Davis if Nash had big hands or small hands and he said, "tiny hands." This went on for ears, toes, feet, etc. I can't wait until all the boys can play together.