Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Recently I asked KP if he liked the name Giacomo. It was a joke to which he replied with a stern, "No." I then said, "Every time I say that name, I sing that Giacomo fi ni nay song."

I brought this up again in San Diego while with Crystal and Michael. We all sang the song for a while and then moved on.

The next morning, I rolled over in bed to see KP already awake. This surprised me because he had quite a few beers the night before. He said he couldn't sleep because he kept singing this song:

Have fun getting it out of your head!

An Avocado: 16 Weeks

While on vacation this past weekend in San Diego, the bump really appeared. There's no squeezing into my clothes anymore. Fortunately, Big Sis is a clothes horse and her maternity wear is cuter than my regular wardrobe, so I'll be a styling fat lady.

KP and I learned some valuable lessons while in airports and on planes in the last few days. Basically, it is the parents' responsibility to entertain and soothe their children while in these stressful public places. As parents of a not-yet-living-outside-the-womb child, we're trying to remember how non-parents feel about children that are not their own.

Here's our list: bring stuff to entertain your child. If your child is in a chatty mood, please chat with them. When you do not, this leads to the child asking the same questions over and over again. Please do not let your children kick the back of an airplane seat repeatedly. We understand that babies cry on planes...it's sort of a given, but do try to soothe the child...the rest of us want to know that you are at least trying. That's all for now, but this list might grow.

As for growing, so is Munchkin. It is the size of an avocado this week. For some reason though, my belly is more the size of a cantaloupe. Hmmm. Below is the first belly pic. Oh and for the stats, I am +4 lbs, as of today. Yikes. It's coming on easily now!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Apple

That's how big my kid is right now at 15 weeks. Last week it was the size of a lemon. And the week before...a medium shrimp. Evidently they couldn't think of any fruit the size of a medium shrimp, so they chose a crustacean over a fruit. Makes for good conversation.

That said, I already don't think it';s humanly possible to pull an apple out of me. Can't wait for the watermelon. No seriously, I am getting excited about this little Shrimp Munchkin.

And naptime. Again.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

1/3 of the Way Through

It's Official, our little Munchkin has been growing for 13 weeks and 4 days, which technically makes today at about noon, the end of my first trimester and the very beginning of my second trimester. Hip, Hip, Hooray.

This morning KP and I heard its little heartbeat, which was in the 150's. We haven't had an ultrasound since week 9 and won't have another one until week 18 or 20, when we find out what we're having. Of course I am finding out. I have things to plan and decorate and buy and name, for pete's sake.

Here are the chronological pics of our little Munchkin growing. (Don't knock my awesome Photoshop skills).

Week 6

Week 9
That's an arm. Don't be gross.

I feel like I have been lying on here for months, coming up with posts about cockroaches and my sliced thumb, all the while knowing that I have a creature growing inside of me that wants me to write (and eat Chinese food). When I say months, I mean months. I have known about this pregnancy since the day this little one was created. Because I was pregnant only 60 or so days before (with the miscarriage), the feeling of pregnancy was undeniable. In fact, I wrote about it here. Tests kept coming up negative, which is normal as I was just barely preggers. As time went on, tests, then ultrasounds confirmed its existence and growth.

To say I have been gun shy is an understatement. I'll spare you the details, but there was a week in there that the doctor also wasn't sure what would happen. But a follow-up ultrasound confirmed great things can happen. So, be prepared for posts about being so tired you can;t speak, how I believe all growing families should invest in companies that make toilet paper, and how amazingly easy it is to be 100% unreasonable.