Friday, July 30, 2010

Nash and Friends

It's been too long since I have posted a Nash and friends post. I forget to take pictures almost every time we get together with friends, but here are a few:

This is an oldie, but goodie. All Spring, my friend Ashley and I would meet to walk the lake and the babies. It was great! We can't wait until it cools off again!

Our friends Rachel, Jett, Jude, and Jax came for a visit. Those guys are so much fun!

Here are all of the boys (and all of the pugs, or pig dogs, as the boys called them.)

Luke and Davis getting man handeled by Nash.

Davis' adorable work PJs.


Nash is trying to figure out why Midge looks and sounds so much like Mommy.

A Midge and UM (Uncle Matt) pic.


BDC Baby Owen cam out for a visit. He's already 1!

So, so adorable, as is his Mommy, Steph, who I failed to capture.

BDC Auntie Sarah came to Mimi's for a visit too.

Michael Partick was an awesome help and friend to Nash. Here Nash is thinking, "Mom, we're playing, stop taking pictures!"

Happy Friday


I will get each and every bite outta here!


For our friends and blog readers in NYC.

Buc-ees is a Texas tradition.

I love this exersaucer. I even dance to the songs it plays.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Video Killed the Radio Star

Making some dino noises in the Jumparoo with Daddy.

"Drinking" water from a cup.

This was our beach dance party. Makes you want to be part of our family, doesn't it?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baby Pics!!

Happy Hippie.

Baby in a box? Why not?

Reading our new books from Mimi. Please ignore Mommy's legs. She runs into stuff, often.

I am big enough for my umbrella stroller now. I love it. I can see the world around me. I also get house strolls when I am grumpy.

Baby in a basket. daddy likes to put me in things. Mommy loves finding these pictures on the camera.

Mas baby in a basket.

And here's my Mimi. Mommy just found this pic on her camera and she really likes it. She also really appreciates the help Mimi gave us last weekend. She gave Mommy the strength and support she needed to try something new with me. She also dusted. Enough said.

Monday, July 19, 2010

All Holy Lack of Sleep, Batman

Friends and Random Blog Readers,
We have been in lack of sleep hell for over a month. This all started with mastitis (clogged milk duck that made me very sick) and strong antibiotics and turned into upset tummies and sleepless nights. We are not totally sure if this also spurred some reflux, but we are erring on the side of caution and assuming that it did.

People, we are FINALLY on the road to recovery. Nash is taking prilosec for babies, sleeping on and incline, and...wait, did I say sleeping? Yes, sweet, sweet sleep is on the horizon. How, you ask?

Dr. Richard Ferber. I know you Mamas have heard of Ferberizing. Well, I was not fundamentally against the practice, but prayed we would not need to use it. You see, it's a modified version of crying it out.

My Mom (Mimi) came and stayed with us last weekend and we got another informed opinion of what is going on with our sweet boy.

After getting some reflux meds in, Nash seemed to be waking in the night solely for comfort, not because he was in pain. Seriously, we have been waking up 5+ times per night for over a month! On Saturday morning, Mimi, Nash and I went to the bookstore, purchased "Solve your Child's Sleep Problems" by Dr. Ferber, and got right to work.

The first night Nash woke 3 times. Last night he woke ONCE. It was not easy putting him down initially and he did cry for 40 minutes (with 4 reassuring visits from Mama), but once he learns to fall asleep on his own, the crying should be drastically reduced.

I know that we still have a few tough nights ahead of us. I also know that KP is having a super-tough time listening to his sweet boy cry for long periods of time, but we both know that this is what's best to develop good, long-term sleeping habits.

Please, wish us luck. If you do, I will post some pictures of the cutest 5-month old.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 2: Operation Weight Loss

Since before vacay, I have lost 10 lbs, but since Aud and I started this challenge, I have lost 7 lbs. One more to go and I will hit pre-pregnancy weight. I would like to fly right past that and onto pre-engagement weight, circa 2004. I'd be happy to stay there or hit 2001 post Spain, but anything earlier than that is the stuff bad lifetime movies are made of. Seriously, I have no plans to develop an eating disorder, which is what it would take for this lover of Food to get that tiny again.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week(s) In Review

This no sleeping thing has really put a damper on the blog. Here are some pics of the past weeks.

NAP: 5 Months

Dear Nash,
I love you.

I figured that I would start with that because this past month, frankly, has been the hardest yet. You are still a super-happy baby. You smile, talk, giggle, and interact wonderfully. You eat every two hours and are gaining weight. In fact, you weigh 15.6 pounds and have more than doubled your birth weight. You have the sweetest little rolls all over your body, including on your wrists, thighs, and tummy.

So, what's all this hard stuff about then, huh? It all started with mastitis. I had to take some gnarly antibiotics that really messed your tummy up. Since then it's really been one thing after another. We are pretty sure that you are teething now. I think I can feel a tooth on the upper left front of your mouth.

We have tried everything to get to the root of what's going on with you from borrowing baby zantac, to letting you sleep sitting up for days on end, to starting and then abruptly stopping rice cereal. I am not super patient, so if it doesn't work immediately, I am not big on repeating it, but I am back on giving you Tylenol for those pearly whites. I am keeping my fingers crossed as I type hoping that we all get some decent sleep tonight.

Nash, you still have the most beautiful bright eyes. I have no idea what color they are now. They change from steel blue to greenish, and always have brown in the center. I don't know if they will change or not, but they are wonderful to stare into.

You love staring back too. You also love touching our faces and even petting the pugs. You are exploring so much. You now sit in your exersaucer and bumbo and interact with the toys and objects around you. Oh, and did I mention that you roll over (sometimes)? Yes, you do. From tummy to back.

Nash, I look forward to this 5th month. I can't wait to read more to you, play with more toys, (hopefully sleep), cuddle, and continue to love you more than I have loved anything before.
