Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Time, The Living's Easy

Seems I like that title...I've used it before..and now I have the song stuck in my head.

Nash and I went to Mimi and Buddy's in June to hang out with the family and the BDC. There was a lot going on! Uncle Matt (UM), Michael, and Buddy built a new dock. Pictures coming soon. We also had almost all of the BDC over, got to spend lots of cousin time, and ate tons!

Buddy's pretty photogenic.


The little boys.

Nash says "SueSue" very well.

Look at Nash sitting like a big boy with his cousins.

Naked hiney with shoes!

Silly pants, Davis! Davis and Luke are fish. They are seriously amazing swimmers.

NAP: 16 Months

Dear Nash,

What a cool month it's been. You are running, blabbing, walking, "jumping," climbing, reading, playing, sleeping, eating, and just generally being cool.

Without a doubt, you favorite thing to do is watch Elmo. We have to restrict this of course, but you are pretty adamant about it. You say Elmo, but it sounds more like, "Mal-mo," which isn't far off from Mama. Sometimes I get all excited because I think you're talking to me, but no, it's all about Elmo. Grandma and Grandpa got you a cute little chair and you love to plop yourself in it and watch your snuggly, red monster friend.

You still love playing outside, but it's not the smartest thing as we're going on weeks of tripe-digit heat around here.

Vegetables are still your least favorite food. You love fruit. You will email meat as long as there's ketchup (dipdip) and sometimes you gross Da (dad) out by dipping your fruit in the ketchup. Yum.

You are still taking two naps and now sellp from 8:30 until 6:30 in the morning. That's fine by us. In fact, it's a zillion times better than those 4:30 am mornings. We'll take it!

You understand so much. We can ask you a question and you'll answer. We can ask you to bring us something and along you'll come. You're not quite to the helping stage, but it seems to be in the horizon.

You are back into your pigeon books and even say pigeon, hot dog, what, no, yawn, and pretend snore from the books.

You are teething big time. I have no idea how many teeth are joining your current 5 teeth, but I think at least 3. They seem to bother you quite a bit. Pacis help, but you are also becoming a paci addict. Can't wait until we decide to break that habit!

Nash, you are a blast. Your toothy some warms my soul. Your blabbing and laughing capture my interest. You are the most interesting person Dad and I know. We love you dearly and are looking forward to an adventurous summer.
