Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chalk it up to Size

Can you tell the difference?
Nash at 1 day.

Nash at 53 days.

Unfortunately we retired the Iowa farm outfit this evening. We had to squeeze Nash's feet into the footsies. KP said he looked like the Hulk.

In fact, this outfit was retired a few minutes ago because our little dude has taken to regurgitating a portion of his meals all over himself, his outfits, and usually me too. So, he's now in a sleep sack, in a miracle blanket, while the farm outfit chills in retirement. Oh, me? I am typing this with my hair in a towel and spit up on my nightgown. Good thing I already bathed!

Don't it Make my Brown Eyes Blue

Nash's eyes are turning from blue to brown, right before our eyes. It's pretty cool.

For the Commenters

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit. Nash laughed and talked the entire time!

Happy boy in his Ivy League outfit.

Oh the toes! I still haven't clipped his nails. Hopefully Mimi will do it this weekend.

And the sweet hands. I love when he holds my hand.

Chubby cheek profile.

Bath time. Nash loves his baths. I love how awesome I look in this picture. I think I went out in public in this outfit that day.


Blog Readers/Lookers,
I need comments from you. They keep me driven to update regularly. The BDC and my sisters are the only ones who comment. Ever. I know there are more of you out there...Grandparents too.

Here's how to comment:

  • Click below the post on Comments (sometimes there's a number before it).
  • Type your comment in the box.
  • Either sign in or choose Anonymous (if you choose anonymous, please type your name (or nickname or some identifier) in the box with your comments so we know who you are and I can give you your prize for commenting on my blog).
  • Click Publish Your Comment.

That's it. Easy as Pie and I won't feel so lonely in the world. Thanks Blog Readers/Viewers.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ok, America

and you, one random reader from China. I know you need more.

Just after bath time. Nash loves his baths and gets quite a few because of all of the explosions we have around here. What are those people feeding him?

So big!

This, my friends, is what it looks like to calm Nash down using "The Happiest Baby on the Block" technique. We didn't read the book, but we did watch the DVD. Thanks, Netflix! This technique is amazing. We can take him from super-upset to calm and quiet in about a minute. Of course, it doesn't work if something is really wrong (hungry or major gas), but the majority of the time he just gets upset and cannot calm himself. Thanks for the recommendation, Steph.

Our baby has a mullet. Not the really long kind, just the kind that hangs over your collar.

Below you will find more pictures of the cutest baby ever. I just can't stop snapping them!

Random Thoughts

  • What does "sleeping like a baby" mean? If it means sleeping soundly to the point of drooling, then something is wrong with my baby. If it means wrenching around to try to free yourself from your swaddle, squeeking, and waking up every 1-5 hours, then Nash is right on!
  • Daily, KP says, "I can get it smaller." We're in a contest to see who can wrap up the dirty diapers to the tiniest things. You see, you can fit more of those poop-filled landfill-causers in the diaper genie when they are super small.
  • Baby acne is not just for babies. It seems that hormones (or lack thereof) cause mommas to have terrible acne too. Just as Nash's is getting better, my face is covered in tiny and not-so-tiny red pox.
That is all.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Free Arm

NAP likes to have at least one arm free of the swaddle. You know, in case he needs to pick something up or protect himself from the mobile or just balance.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week in Review

We've been busy, people. I know, that's no excuse not to post pictures of the most handsome baby in the whole entire world.

Playing baby is a full-time gig. Not to mention, I have been working. I agree, it's way too soon for my liking too, but in this business, you take it when it comes. Hopefully I'll get all kinds of things lined up and have a very nice Spring and Summer. KP has also been working, much more than I have. He likes his new job, but is ready for things to slow down some.

So, what's Nash do with all this working? He comes along, of course. He's a great mascot.

Nash and I do spend a lot of time together at home too, just hanging out and learning about the world.

Enough of the talk...on to what you're here for:

Friday, March 12, 2010

He's Out of This World!

NAP: 1 Month

1 Month? And I am a week late?!! How has a month already gone by?

Dear Nash,
I cannot believe that you have been in our life for a month already. In some ways, it feels like we never lived before we had you. In other ways, it feels like you are so new and foreign (foreign like Spain, not aliens).

You are such a joy to us. We love when you wake up and stretch your little body out. When we open the swaddle, your arms "boing" up above your head. I say, "freedom" each time. You LOVE to eat. During the day you eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours, but that's okay with me because at night, you tend to go one 6 hour stretch and then one 3 to 4 hour stretch. You must get that from me, though Dad likes sleeping much more since you've been born. He also showers more, so that he won't get yucky stuff on you when he holds you. Thank you for that, Nash.

You have something going on with your stomach. I took you to the doctor yesterday and she said that you seem to just have some serious gas. I know, you're going to love that I shared that with the world when you're older. Wait, you're a probably won't care at all. We have tried everything from lots of burping to mylicon to gripe water. We have settled on a combo of those things, which seems to keep your little tummy happier.

Dad has started bottle feeding you one meal, in anticipation of a long work day for me this weekend. You like the bottle and the speed at which you can take that stuff down. You also like walks, car rides, sleeping in your swing (a habit we're going to start trying to break), being held by Dad, the soothie, pooping in a clean diaper, your giraffe, and baths.

You are starting to follow objects with your eyes. You tolerate tummy time for a few minutes each day. And, you have found your voice. You only use it (other than to cry) a few times a day, but those coos are such sweet reminders of how quickly you are growing.

Nash, we love you so much.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Frog Legs

Please comment, people. KP is very proud of his film making on this one.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Just Can't Get Enough

How Many Days...

Does it take to make a habit? Or is that break a habit? Oh, the habit I am referring to is sleep.

Internet, I am exhausted. If you know me well, you know that I am a 9+ hour a night sleeper. I have always loved to sleep and toward the end of my pregnancy, I slept 9+ hours a night and then another 2 or 3 hours in the afternoon. It is truly unfortunate that my body cannot store sleep like it has chosen to store fat.

Nash is not a sleeper. He's much more like KP than me in that regard. He's awake most of the day, then snoozes in his daddy's arms when KP gets home from work, only to be up again for multiple feedings before "bedtime." He does go two stretches in the night, which equate to 2 to 3 hours of sleep for me, per stretch. Then it's time to play all over again.

Don't get me wrong, when I pick the baby up in the middle of the night and take his little sweet self to his room for changing and feeding and cuddling, nothing in the world is more important, not even sleep. But, when our little guy cries incessently during the day, which he has been known to do lately, a few more hours of sleep the night before could go a long way with my ability to soothe for long periods of time.

I feel like I am still just getting to know Nash and how he operates, what he likes, and how best to help him. The biggest issue so far has been that he seems very bothered by his stomach. Could it be reflux or gas? He also seems to dislike pooping. KP and I are treating it like everything to see what helps. So, we elevate Nash after feeding for at least 30 minutes, let him sleep in an upright position (read: swing), and burp him very well. Last night I started using Mylicon drops and Nash seems to be responding well to those. Hopefully we'll get this stomach stuff figured out so that he can have some better days (and take some naps).

I am not going to sugar-coat it; motherhood is hard and tiring and emotional. I just want Nash to be happy and healthy and getting him there is no easy feat sometimes. But of course, when all is quiet and calm, the rewards of the hard work are very, very evident.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Of what's to come, after birth announcements are sent out.

Katherine at Sprout Portraits took these wonderful shots.