Friday, March 12, 2010

NAP: 1 Month

1 Month? And I am a week late?!! How has a month already gone by?

Dear Nash,
I cannot believe that you have been in our life for a month already. In some ways, it feels like we never lived before we had you. In other ways, it feels like you are so new and foreign (foreign like Spain, not aliens).

You are such a joy to us. We love when you wake up and stretch your little body out. When we open the swaddle, your arms "boing" up above your head. I say, "freedom" each time. You LOVE to eat. During the day you eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours, but that's okay with me because at night, you tend to go one 6 hour stretch and then one 3 to 4 hour stretch. You must get that from me, though Dad likes sleeping much more since you've been born. He also showers more, so that he won't get yucky stuff on you when he holds you. Thank you for that, Nash.

You have something going on with your stomach. I took you to the doctor yesterday and she said that you seem to just have some serious gas. I know, you're going to love that I shared that with the world when you're older. Wait, you're a probably won't care at all. We have tried everything from lots of burping to mylicon to gripe water. We have settled on a combo of those things, which seems to keep your little tummy happier.

Dad has started bottle feeding you one meal, in anticipation of a long work day for me this weekend. You like the bottle and the speed at which you can take that stuff down. You also like walks, car rides, sleeping in your swing (a habit we're going to start trying to break), being held by Dad, the soothie, pooping in a clean diaper, your giraffe, and baths.

You are starting to follow objects with your eyes. You tolerate tummy time for a few minutes each day. And, you have found your voice. You only use it (other than to cry) a few times a day, but those coos are such sweet reminders of how quickly you are growing.

Nash, we love you so much.


Jamie said...

Ahhh! I love this post. Need to see you soon missy.

Crystal said...

I can't wait to experience the joy that I know y'all are feeling right now!
He's Beautiful!!!

stephaniezamora said...

sniff, your going to have to frame that one.

Frog Dancer said...

awww that is so sweet :) Nash is going to love reading all of this when he is older