Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Weather

It's cool here! I bet it will warm up again, but today is nice and cool. NAP and I went for a walk, met a friend along the way, then played at the park. He tried out the baby swing. He seems to get butterflies in his tummy while swinging, but tolerates it okay. We played in the grass (and with the grass) and then had a yummy baby food picnic, before coming back home. You've gotta love a cool, Fall morning, especially as a Texan. You've gotta also love a job that allows you to stay home and enjoy these moments with your baby.

And yes, he refused to smile for the camera today.

Not Friday, But Still Cute Nash

Well, time is really getting away from me! The weekend before last, I had to meet a client in the Hill Country. We decided to make a day of it and went wine tasting (just sips) and then to KP's former sculpture professor's party in Wimberley. Nash had a great time seeing the sights and meeting new people.

Here's the kiddo cruising our halls.

And playing in the playpen. We have it set up so that he can nap there when KP needs to make noise in the garage. NAP loves it (for short periods of time), plus it gives me time to brush my teeth while he plays safely.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday

I have been a deadbeat Mom this week and have not taken any pictures. Nashers has been sick with a cold that KP and I also got. It was a tough one. We're not sure that it's totally gone, but all seems much better in this Pac house. Now if we could get back on a sleep schedule...

I stole these pictures from my friend Ashley. We spend at least a few hours with Ashley and Abby every week. The top two pics are from story time.

Last week Ashley watched NAP for a couple of hours while I had a lunch meeting. THANK YOU, Ashley! Abby is crawling. Hopefully she told NAP to wait on that for a few more weeks.

Can you feel the love?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday

Field Day 2010

ADP here. Last weekend my folks hosted Field Day 2010 at their property, Three Sisters Acres. My sisters, SueSue and Midge (their Aunt Names), did all of the heavy lifting. I just invited some friends, helped clean up a bit before and after and enjoyed the party. We had a blast!

Field Day consisted of some fun games, dinner, and lots of playing and swimming. It was so fun to see all of our friends, friends' kids, pregnant ladies, and we even got to see some "kids" that my sisters and I babysat years ago. Said "kids" are now in their twenties. One is even going to med school!

There are TONS more pictures. Check out my facebook page to I can send you a link to the snapfish album if you want.

Here's the Fam getting ready the day before..

Here's Mimi pruning her roses.

This picture makes me laugh! MPTB, V, Luke, Davis, Midge, and SueSue all raked up the grass clippings to make the perfect place to play our games!

And the day of...

Luke's on the green team!

V was the tour director!

UM had a green tail.

Aunt Donna does the Hokey Pokey the best.

Daddy and NAP.

Mimi and NAP. We were on the Orange Team.

NUT. I have no idea why he's making that face.

Buddy in his usual competitive spirit.

Davis looking cute!

Some of the people (75-ish) that came out for field day.

Me and my sisters.

Baby O, so cute in his orange.

Aunt Donna and TC.
SueSue was the blue team captain. They won!

MPTB swimming after all the festivities.

Hope to see y'all out next year.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NAP: 7 Months

Dear Nash,
I cannot believe that you are seven months old. I think I say that every month, but this one really surprises me because you are now more than half of a year old.

We have had a busy month! Between going to story times; visiting friends; hanging out with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Ade; and our trip to see Mimi, Buddy, Midge, UM, SueSue, NUT, Veronica, Michael, Luke, and Davis, we have been hanging out at home, taking some walks, and just being a little family.

Nash, you are growing so quickly. You weigh almost 18 lbs. You are strong and we are starting to see a neck! You spend more time on your belly than ever before. We think that you are trying to build up your muscles to start crawling. You took a break from rolling over, which caused you to get stuck on your belly a few times, but it seems you have regained that trick too. You do all kinds of baby tricks. When we hold you in the air just above a surface and say "dance, dance, dance," you move your little feet wildly. In the exersaucer, when I say "happy feet" you rock that thing like crazy. You also scoot all around in the walker. It's hilarious.

You are such a pleasant little boy. You are almost always happy and when you're not, it's pretty easy to figure out why (tired, tummy, etc). People say that you are pretty laid back. I don't have anything to compare you to, so I think you are just perfect! You love to sit on the floor and play. You are listening to books a little more. You put yourself to sleep, though occasionally, we have to pop your paci back in. You are super-friendly, though there is no doubt that you prefer your parents, Daddy especially. He makes you crack up!

You love to eat. You especially love the prunes still. You have started eating puffs and I know bits of food are on the horizon. You like to have a cup of cold water with your meals. You prefer fruits, but if we let you get messy, veggies are okay too.

Daddy said it best when he said, "just when I don't think it's possible for him to do anything cooler or cuter, he does!" You are changing and growing every single day. Dad and I love to watch you sleep and are memorized by how you are becoming a boy (and less of an infant). We are so in love with you.
