Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NAP: 7 Months

Dear Nash,
I cannot believe that you are seven months old. I think I say that every month, but this one really surprises me because you are now more than half of a year old.

We have had a busy month! Between going to story times; visiting friends; hanging out with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Ade; and our trip to see Mimi, Buddy, Midge, UM, SueSue, NUT, Veronica, Michael, Luke, and Davis, we have been hanging out at home, taking some walks, and just being a little family.

Nash, you are growing so quickly. You weigh almost 18 lbs. You are strong and we are starting to see a neck! You spend more time on your belly than ever before. We think that you are trying to build up your muscles to start crawling. You took a break from rolling over, which caused you to get stuck on your belly a few times, but it seems you have regained that trick too. You do all kinds of baby tricks. When we hold you in the air just above a surface and say "dance, dance, dance," you move your little feet wildly. In the exersaucer, when I say "happy feet" you rock that thing like crazy. You also scoot all around in the walker. It's hilarious.

You are such a pleasant little boy. You are almost always happy and when you're not, it's pretty easy to figure out why (tired, tummy, etc). People say that you are pretty laid back. I don't have anything to compare you to, so I think you are just perfect! You love to sit on the floor and play. You are listening to books a little more. You put yourself to sleep, though occasionally, we have to pop your paci back in. You are super-friendly, though there is no doubt that you prefer your parents, Daddy especially. He makes you crack up!

You love to eat. You especially love the prunes still. You have started eating puffs and I know bits of food are on the horizon. You like to have a cup of cold water with your meals. You prefer fruits, but if we let you get messy, veggies are okay too.

Daddy said it best when he said, "just when I don't think it's possible for him to do anything cooler or cuter, he does!" You are changing and growing every single day. Dad and I love to watch you sleep and are memorized by how you are becoming a boy (and less of an infant). We are so in love with you.



Audra said...

Your monthly posts bring me to tears every month! Watching Nash grow, as his aunt, is pretty amazing too! He is so much fun to be around. Love you guys.

Unknown said...

These letters to sweet little Nash make me cry! What a special little boy to have such awesome parents!