Monday, May 16, 2011

NAP: 15 Months

Dear Nash,

You are 15 months and ten days, but who is counting?

You are the busiest person I know. You dance, stomp, walk, run, and explore almost all of the time. The rest of the time you eat and watch Elmo. Oh, and you sleep a little (imagine me holding my index finger and thumb a millimeter apart).

You are learning so many new things. Talking is one of the things that is most impressive. I cannot count all of your words. Well, I guess I could, but I haven't. You call Mac and Zeus by their names, though Zeus is usually also combined with "Sit." You say Mama, Da, cat, dog, frog, side for outside, okay, book, feed cat, stick, rock, car, shoes, socks, grapes, crack(ers), and probably some others that I am not remembering right now. You are back to loving books, but usually just before you go to sleep. You LOVE to be outside and thankfully Daddy does too; you two spend lots of time cruising around in your little car and walking and exploring.

You are a very picky eater. You love fruit, some meat, peanut butter, bread, and crackers, but you loathe vegetables and even mashed potatoes. I guess you are against cannibalism, as we call you Nash Potatoes. That's okay, I guess. You are totally off of the bottle, but quite unhappy about it. Every time you see the milk cup, you whine and cry. Sometimes you flat-out refuse it. That's sticking to your guns!

You still take two naps, but I have to wake you up at one hour each now. If not, you wake up at 4am ready to rock and roll! You very rarely sleep past 6 am, which sort of stinks for us. Your eating and sleeping habits are becoming more and more like our Dad's. I promise, sleeping is wonderful. I am sure you will figure this out by your fifteenth birthday.

Funny put on little dancing shows multiple times a day and alternate between fast feet, stomping, and being Super Nash and zooming around making airplane noises. You love to dig and walk up and down the street with a stick. You laugh when other people make jokes. You make me sing all the time by using sign language. When you don't like the song I choose, you wave your arms wildly until I pick a better one.

Statistically, for weight you are in the 5% at 20.8 lbs, 25% for height, and 100+% for head. Big brains on our baby boy! You are getting your 5th tooth now and I believe at least 2 more are right behind it.

Nash, you are growing so quickly. You look like a little boy sometimes in your shorts and little shoes cruising around the neighborhood or park. Your little hands are huge compared to when they couldn't even wrap around my little finger. You love your Mama and Da so much and we love your hugs, kisses, and even your pleas to be held. I love rocking you right before bed time and the sweet moments when you back up into my lap to read a story. I also love the laughter, inquisitiveness, and wild man time. You are all boy and we are loving every second (except before 6 am) of it.



1 comment:

stephaniezamora said...

tears. it's been so long since ive been here, shame on me!!