Sunday, December 11, 2011

NAP: 22 Months

Dear Nash,

I am really loving this age. I always love you, but darn, you're fun right now.

You are chatty, though we still don't always know what you are talking about. When we don't understand, you say "hand" and take our hands and lead us to what you want. You now pronounce your name as "Natch." When I point to a picture of you and ask who that is, you say "you." We will work on our pronouns! You know all of your people and dogs by name. You even chat about family members that you haven't seen in a while. When I ask you if you are handsome, you give us the most toothy smile.

You love to learn and constantly want to practice shapes, colors, numbers, and letters on our iPhones, puzzles, with bath toys, coloring on paper, songs, counting fingers, and on and on!

You are mischievous when you want our attention; time outs in your room (for 60 seconds) work sometimes, though we still redirect you more than anything.

You love school and walk right in most days. You have a little crush on a little girl. You seem to like your teachers, making craft projects, and playing outside. While you love to climb, especially on jungle gyms, you are not super adventurous and stay away from swings and slides. You love bounce houses.

You are an extremely picky eater. You are also very strong-willed. This means you'd rather not eat than eat some of our dinners. It's painful for me. I do not like to upset you but I need you to try new things. We'll keep working on it.

You might have a sense that something is going on little sister-wise. You are super clingy to me, though once you get to playing with Dad, you are always so happy. The weather has been dreary and you've been sick (shocker!), so you frequently request to get into our bed and watch TV, usually Gabby (Yo Gabba Gabba). It's pretty sweet, though I don't want to make a couch potato of you. We get lots of snuggles in then too.

Nash, you are so fun and so amazing to watch grow. You make each day an adventure and some a challenge as well. You make us laugh all of the time. You are the best entertainment and most deserving thing our pride and love.

We love you,

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