Saturday, March 17, 2012

WDP: 3 Months

Wrenny Wren,
You are three months old tomorrow. Wow.
Life has been so busy that I simply cannot believe that I was waiting, not very patiently, for you only 3 months ago.
You are not very demanding, but when you need something, you make it known. You are generally laid back and love to be on the go, or at least that's when you seem to relax the most.
I amlost exclusively call you Sis or Sister, but I think your name fits you so well. You are just gorgeous.
You are still eating almost every two hours during the day, and only waking once in the night to eat. Have I mentioned that you are a plump little baby? You have the cutest rolls all over! I have finally transitioned you to the bassinet from the swing. I am swaddling you, which you are not super find of, but you sleep so much better that way. I love when we unswaddle you how you stretch and stretch and stretch. You are so adorable. No matter what time it is, you look to meet my eyes and give me a huge smile.
Mimi and I heard you laugh the other day. Daddy heard one last weekend. Such sweet noise!
Wren, you love watching your brother. When he kisses you, you just smile. I hope that lasts forever.
You are holding your neck up very well and are trying to sit up. It's crazy! I have been told that you will reach milestones sooner because you are watching brother, but please don't grow up too quickly. You are also watching your fists, keeping your feet in the air, trying to hold weight on your legs, and grasping objects.
Baby girl, as a Mom, I wondered how you would fit into the family, how our dynamic would change, how I could spread my love. How easy that part has been. You just fit right in. You were always meant to be a part of this wild little family.
We love more than you will ever know,

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