Monday, July 19, 2010

All Holy Lack of Sleep, Batman

Friends and Random Blog Readers,
We have been in lack of sleep hell for over a month. This all started with mastitis (clogged milk duck that made me very sick) and strong antibiotics and turned into upset tummies and sleepless nights. We are not totally sure if this also spurred some reflux, but we are erring on the side of caution and assuming that it did.

People, we are FINALLY on the road to recovery. Nash is taking prilosec for babies, sleeping on and incline, and...wait, did I say sleeping? Yes, sweet, sweet sleep is on the horizon. How, you ask?

Dr. Richard Ferber. I know you Mamas have heard of Ferberizing. Well, I was not fundamentally against the practice, but prayed we would not need to use it. You see, it's a modified version of crying it out.

My Mom (Mimi) came and stayed with us last weekend and we got another informed opinion of what is going on with our sweet boy.

After getting some reflux meds in, Nash seemed to be waking in the night solely for comfort, not because he was in pain. Seriously, we have been waking up 5+ times per night for over a month! On Saturday morning, Mimi, Nash and I went to the bookstore, purchased "Solve your Child's Sleep Problems" by Dr. Ferber, and got right to work.

The first night Nash woke 3 times. Last night he woke ONCE. It was not easy putting him down initially and he did cry for 40 minutes (with 4 reassuring visits from Mama), but once he learns to fall asleep on his own, the crying should be drastically reduced.

I know that we still have a few tough nights ahead of us. I also know that KP is having a super-tough time listening to his sweet boy cry for long periods of time, but we both know that this is what's best to develop good, long-term sleeping habits.

Please, wish us luck. If you do, I will post some pictures of the cutest 5-month old.


lilly's pad said...

He better learn to sleep thru the night or he is never have sleepovers at the Daugereau house! We like to lounge in our pj's all day :)

Crystal said...

Good luck! I'm glad to hear that you finally got some sleep last night! Yay for Dr. F.

Audra said...

Good luck and dont hold baby pictures for ransom!