Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Weather

It's cool here! I bet it will warm up again, but today is nice and cool. NAP and I went for a walk, met a friend along the way, then played at the park. He tried out the baby swing. He seems to get butterflies in his tummy while swinging, but tolerates it okay. We played in the grass (and with the grass) and then had a yummy baby food picnic, before coming back home. You've gotta love a cool, Fall morning, especially as a Texan. You've gotta also love a job that allows you to stay home and enjoy these moments with your baby.

And yes, he refused to smile for the camera today.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I haven't been able to check the blog in a few weeks (like 5).
Amy, he is so precious and getting so big! I can't wait to FINALLY meet your little man in a few months.