Monday, January 10, 2011

NAP: 11 Months

Dear Nash,
You turned 11 months old this past week while we were in Houston. For some reason, I CAN believe you are 11 months, though that does not mean that the time has not flown by. I can believe that you are just one month shy of a year because you have so much going on.

Developmentally, you are soaring. You have a tiny vocabulary, which consists of yes which usually sounds like dat, Dada or Da-deee, Cat, Dog, Hi, cool, and Mama (sometimes). You are standing and just last night, took your first steps. Because you spent so much time without us and with family last weekend, we were certain they were protecting our feelings and just didn't share that you walked, but turns out Daddy and I got to see the first official steps. You walked from daddy to the ottoman in your room. It was four steps all together. You have not repeated it since, but it's on the horizon for sure. You cruise from thing to thing like a pro, climb on top of objects, and maneuver your way around. You seem to think crawling is pase and sometimes refuse to move if we don't help you walk.

You are eating wonderfully. You eat cherries (your favorite), saltine goldfish, chicken nuggets, turkey burgers, cinnamon rolls, baby food veggies, and lots of fruit. I am still nursing you. Can you freaking believe it?! We have almost made it to one year. I cannot. I had no goal of making it this long and little guy, I would not have done it if you hadn't refused 4 kinds of formula. But, you did and we're both stronger for it, I guess. I have to start figuring out how to wean you. Hopefully this means you will someday sleep through the night. Whatever.

Your favorite activity is still reading books. You love the Mo Willems pigeon books. We read a lot. So much so that Daddy and I sometimes want to hide the books. Only kidding! It's a wonderful time for us to sit and cuddle with you. You love to play with your toys, ride in the wagon, make noise on the guitar and drum, and get in your new fire engine tent. You dance all of the time. You shake your little hips and put one arm in the air, sometimes pointing your finger! You started giving hugs with pats to Elmo, the Pigeon, and your peeps. When we're holding you, you tuck your arms into ours and snuggle close. You have become quite the cuddler, when in the mood.

Your personality is happy, yet strong-willed, which pretty much shows you are both Daddy and my child.

Nash, we cannot get enough of you. Last night I checked on you three times before bed just to stare at your little face. You are amazing.


1 comment:

lilly's pad said...

Can't believe Nash is walking! Our babies sure are growing up quick! Playdate soon?