Wednesday, February 16, 2011

1st Birthday Party

So, How do you know when a blogger's baby starts moving? She stops blogging! There is no time these days, but I will try to keep you better apprised of NAP's life as it happens.

NASH's FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! We had a pigeon-themed hot dog party for Nash's first big birthday celebration. This comes from the Mo Willems books that I have referenced many times. Nash loves them! We invited all of our local friends and our family braved the snow and ice (really) to get here for the fun. We missed taking pictures of some of our sweet friends and family, but please know that because of all of you, we had a fabulous first birthday. It was a celebration of having a loving, growing, smart, and fun little boy in our life for a full year.

Birthday party morning. It's pajama time!

Mommy baked the cake from a box and Daddy decorated it. Daddy is very talented, if you didn't know. Now we're going to add cake decorator to his resume (and to the list of jobs he gets!).

He also decorated Nash's smash cake with a pigeon face.

First birthday plate. Awww, says Mommy.

Nash's birthday banner, made by Mommy. We also printed his monthly blog photos and strung them across the fireplace. So wild how much our potato has grown!

About the pigeon. His favorite food is hot dogs!

About Nash: His favorite food is grapes right now.

Mommy made kids' song cds for party favors.

NAP was not into the family photo. He was geared up and ready to play!

One more cousin photo before party time.

Sil looking cute as usual.

Abby in her party dress.

Grandma stole Miss Lilly.


Look at all of the babies! Andrew, Parker, and Jake were fast friends.

Here's Miss Lil looking cute as ever.

Hi Kyle!

The grandmas and most aunts eating hot dogs (or chicken sausage).

Buddy and Luke.
Getting ready for singing.

What is this stuff you call icing?


If I do nothing but eat this for the rest of my life, I will be happy.

Happy, happy birthday Nash Archer.

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