Monday, February 7, 2011

NAP: 12 Months (1 Year!)

Dear Nash,
You are a year old! Happy, happy birthday my son.

We celebrated your birthday this past weekend with a big party at our home. Everyone came to town to celebrate: Grandma & Grandpa, Mimi & Buddy, Midge, UM, Luke & Davis, and SueSue. Ade lives behind us, so she just skipped over. We missed NUT, but will see him soon. Lots and lots of baby friends came too! It was pigeon themed, after your favorite books by Mo Willems. You devoured cake, which made Daddy and me proud.

What a month it's been. You are WALKING. You still crawl sometimes, but for the most part, walking is your mode of transport. You put your arms out in front of you, set your sights on your next landmark, and go, all while jabbering and smiling.

You are trying more and more food, though you're still are not a fan of meat or vegetables, except when pureed. We have determined, through a not-so-fun process of a few sleepless, painful nights, that you are lactose intolerant. Thankfully, lactose-free, organic whole milk is readily available these days. We slowly switched you from breast milk to this milk, which as of today, you will be drinking exclusively. I have quit nursing and pumping all together. We made it a full year. I am very proud of us both.

In related news, I also dropped your middle-of-the-night feeding when I quit nursing. It took you two whole nights to catch on. Now you are sleeping through the night pretty well. You wake once or twice, but quickly put yourself back to sleep. You are still very easy to get out of a routine and we feel like we are re-training you at every turn (going out of town, having guests, cutting a tooth, illness, etc.). Oh well. Maybe the next baby will sleep better. (There's no next baby on the agenda yet.)

You now have 4 teeth. The two top middle teeth have just come in. They were very painful for you and caused a few days of fever as well. They are so darn cute though! It looks like you are going to have a little space between them like Daddy does. I love baby teeth, and particularly yours.

Your little vocabulary is about the same. You say dog, cat, cool, wow, yes, hi, Daddy, and now actually say Mama and direct it at me. Oh my gosh. This is so wonderful.

You love to read, take wagon rides, play with toys, pet the dogs, snuggle, play with tupperware in the kitchen while I cook, and be outside.

You are an awesome little bundle of joy. We are so thankful and delighted to have you in our life. We eat, breathe, and (finally through the night) sleep you. We cannot imagine our life without you. Happy, happy birthday, son.


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