Thursday, July 7, 2011

NAP: 17 Months

Dear Nash,

You are such a sweet, wild, busy boy. You are running, climbing, "jumping," talking, babbling, tickling, cuddling, hugging, kissing, demanding, asking, and listening (sometimes).

Your vocabulary is awesome. Tonight in the bath, you told me what a Q, 7, 2, and O are. These must be the same letters/numbers that have been in the tub for a while, but still! You imitate lots of words and say lots of words on your own too. You say "Pigeon", "Were pas at?," "Where Da go?" and lots of commands at the dogs. In the past couple of weeks you have also started calling me Ma. You have said it occasionally for several months, but now you look for me and call my name. Sweet, sweet music to my ears.

We have been spending a lot of time indoors because of the heat, so we have re-familiarized ourselves with your books, toys, and are playing with more puzzles, balls, musical instruments, etc. Your favorite thing, by far, is watching Elmo, or Mo as you call him. We have several recorded on the TV and you demand to watch Mo probably upwards of 10 times a day. Needless to say, that does not happen, but 2-3 times does (they are each 15 mins).

You are giving lots of hugs. When I ask for a kiss, you give me your cheek! You also are a bit clingy now by holding on to my legs or snuggling in close when we go somewhere new or you meet new people. I don't mind, except when I have to leave you (with other Mamas for an hour or so while I work). It breaks my heart, but I hear you are fine after a couple of minutes.

You have lots of teeth, most on the right side of your mouth, though the left ones seem to be coming in now too. In the past month you got the right teeth next to the big ones and your right molars. The left ones are peeking through and giving us some trouble.

This month we went to Mimi and Buddy's for a weekend, to Colorado for a week (you went on your first plane ride!), and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa a few times. We also played lots with our friends and even had two sets of guests (Midge, Luke, and Davis & the Walters Family).

Nash, you won't understand this for a long time, but you also have a little brother or sister coming in a few months. We are so excited for both of you to have a sibling. I know that this isn't going to be easy for you for a while, but someday, you'll thank us, hopefully. We know that you will be an awesome big brother.

Sweet boy, I already dread the day that you move away and I can't check on you (and monkey, blankie, and two pacis) nightly. I want to hold you close to me forever and ever. And I will.


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