Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NAP: 23 Months

Dear Nash,
What a month it has been. We all welcomed your new sister, or sistagee or sisty as you call her. You seem to really like her and you love to give her kisses.
Unfortunately you were mighty sick when she came home. You only had a nasty cold, but keeping you away from sister and not being able to hold and cuddle you non-stop was a challenge. Thankfully you are feeling much better.
You really enjoyed having your people here over the holidays. You have picked out Grampy as your new best friend, though Mimi and Grammy are faves too. You finally warmed up to Buddy too!
This was the Christmas of trains. You got a train table from Santa and a real train set from Mimi and Buddy. You have really been enjoying your trains and making trains out of other things that you request we push around the house like storage containers and laundry baskets. Mimi taught you to say "All Aboard!" While it's hard on our backs, we oblige.
My energy level is finally getting better, though I have not figured out the balance of having two children, one that likes to be held constantly. You are generally really good about this, but other times show you need attention by clearing the train table in one fell swoop. You have been playing with Daddy lots and have been having a really good time outside on the nice days.
You are talking like crazy. There's nothing in your world you can't communicate in one way or another. You love reading. You can identify all of your letters and numbers to 10. You know all of your colors. You really enjoy singing songs with hand motions and have started dancing more.
You love school and have a favorite little friend. You like to play, jump, go outside, play in the truck, play tug of war with the dogs, and watching elmo and gabby (Yo Gabba Gabba). You are still a picky eater; part of that is our fault...we just go with what's easy.
Nash, your intelligence and newly budding imagination is pretty awesome. You are so observatory and talkative. You are sweet and cuddly and wild too. You have already shown that you are going to be a good brother. I look forward to the days when I can find a better balance and be more hands-on with you again.
I love you dearly,

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