Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wrenny Wren Wren

My goodness, how I have failed this blog. Wren is three weeks old and I have posted NO pictures here.

About Wren: She sleeps and eats, a lot. She has wonderful brown hair. It's short and fuzzy on the top and very long down her neck. She has huge cheeks, almond eyes, and my eyebrows. She has long fingers and long finger nails. Her belly button is an innie. She loves to have her diaper changed and prefers to poop in a clean diaper. She really wants to be a thumb sucker. She furrows her brow and wrinkles her face at new thing, which is frequently. I joke and say she's going to have wrinkles by age 5. Unfortunately she also has an immature tummy. We tried reflux meds, which we have suspended because we saw little improvement. She's just gassy and fits the colic definition. She sleeps in the swing, which seems to help some. Thankfully, we have done this before and we know she will (eventually) grow out of it. She loves to be held. She's really hard to burp. She loves when Brother is around and making lots of noise. She loves to be outside and take walks. She is very sweet. She has started looking around and smiling some. Ok, enough of that...these are what you came for. They are in chronological order.

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