Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NAP: 24 Months

Dear Nash,

Holy Cow! You are TWO! Happy birthday, sweet son.

We had two birthday parties to celebrate your big day. The first one was in Houston with your Davison relatives. We had cake, a bounce house, a pinata, lots of presents, and loads of family love. It was unreal how much Mimi, Buddy, Midge, UM, SueSue, Michael, and your cousins did to make your big day feel special. Then last weekend we had a party at a bounce house with all of your friends. Grammy and Grampy also came into town to celebrate with us. You had so much fun!

Let's are still talking and chatting up a storm. You are using more and more words and forming sentences nicely. Your favorite is, "Gus ate poo poo." Nice. You know your colors, letters, and numbers, though you don't always like to practice. You love to read books still, are really enjoying playing musical instruments, especially the guitar, and LOVE the kitchen Davis handed down to you. Also, your have expanded your boob tube repertoire to include Cars, the movie.

We got you a balance bike and helmet for your birthday. We are looking forward to lots of outside time this spring. You love to climb at the park and are now going down slides., You still don't like the swings though.

Nash, you love your little sister. You kiss her head at least a dozen times each day. You also love her pacifiers! You steal them whenever possible, which requires sanitation. You think it is so funny!

You are still a picky eater and ALWAYS request chicky and fires (presumably from chic-fil-a), which you eat with dippy (ketchup). You do not like vegetables and cannot even be bribes to eat them. You love fruit and go through it like a little zoo animal. You constantly request cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges, and bananas.

You are testing the limits of not listening, sharing, and hitting. We have recently begun time out with a timer and guess what? It works! You sit in the corner, unhappily, and then repeat back to us what you did to get yourself in that situation. I am so proud that you understand this.

You are still our little wild child and we love that about you. You never sit still! You are constantly playing, exploring, getting sillies out, and making messes. It's so fun to watch you grow and learn. You are also super sweet and love to "hold" (give hugs) and kiss. Sometimes you even request that I rock you. I love snuggling you.

Nash, we are looking forward to the next year. You grow so much each month. We cannot imagine the fun we're going to have.

You're my favorite boy in the entire world. I love you,

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