Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WDP: 2 Months

Dear Wren,

I am not sure when it happened, but you evolved from a screaming ball of fiery energy into a sweet, chubby baby girl. It must have happened gradually, somewhere around the 6 or 7 week mark. Before then, we were up with you all night and holding you all day. You cried constantly. All. The. Time. Then I noticed you were happier in the carrier. And then you were happier laying flat. And then you were just happier! Thank God.

You are a little bundle of joy. You eat, sleep, coo, smile, and let us know when you need something. You love to look around and catch the gaze of your peeps. You love looking at Brother, finding Daddy's face when you hear his voice, and instantly perk up when our eyes meet. You even smile in the middle of the night for diaper changes.

Your schedule is pretty sporadic, except that you eat about every 2 hours during the day, take at least one long nap during the day, like your evening bath, then food, then bed. You wake once in the night to eat, then back to sleep for at least a couple of hours. Sometimes I feed you in bed and we snuggle until it's time to crawl out. For the most part, you still sleep in the swing, which I attribute to much of your reflux success. It's time to start trying the bassinet. One day at a time.

At your two-moth check-up, you were 22" (25-50th%), 11lbs (50th%), and your head was 39cm (50%). Sounds about perfect to me!

Some things just come easier with you: nursing, schedules, bed time, knowing what to do - mostly because I have a better idea of what I am doing. Some things are harder: like slowing down and taking time to play. When Brother naps, we get about an hour to coo and chat. I love that time with you. I also love rubbing your fuzzy head, nibbling on those cheeks, and holding you until you fall asleep.

Daddy and I are working our tails off these days. We have been making time each evening to take you and Brother on walks, have dinner, and spend a little quality time together. We hope all of this hard work will pay off and mean more time with you both.

Wren, you are a delight. Your twinkling eyes warm my heart. You make our family feel even more perfect.

We love you,


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