I never call you Wren. I absolutely love your name, but you are so easy to nickname! I call you Wrenny Wren, Wren Pie, Siggy, and Sister. Mostly, we all call you Sister.
Sister, you are so pudgy and wonderful. You are so happy. You talk and coo and smile all the time. Okay, I am exaggerating a little.
Your reflux creaped back up like a ton of bricks. I had to work late a few nights and your cried for hours on end for Daddy. Finally it dawned on me (why does it always take me so long?) that you ust need to try another medicine or up your dosage. The doctor upped the dosage and you are feeling MUCH better.
You love to look at brother and Daddy and me. You are just soaking it all in. You love to sit in your office (the Savas named the exersaucer that for Elle and it is so fitting). You have started touching the dogs too. Your little hands are so curious and always on the move. You also screech like a teradactyl, giggle, and "talk." You roll over, whe we put you down, which is rare because of the reflux. We started you on irce cereal. You love the stuff. I think you'd eat a pretzel if we'd let you. You are eager to do what we are doing!
Sweet girl, you sleep like a charm at night. You go down around 8 and wake up around 6 or 7. Pretty amazing. I know you'd prefer a nap schedule, but our schedule won't allow that. You handle the chaos very well.
Wren, we love you so. I love seeing your smiling face in the morning and snuggling your little face into my neck. I love how my nose looks so delicious to you! I love how you just go with the flow. You remind us to enjoy each minute of baby.