Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NAP: 28 Months

Dear Nash,
You're cool!  Daddy and I are still really enjoying you being two.  You are active, loud, wild, busy, stubborn, curious, imaginative, and sweet.  You love to watch movies (Shreck, Nemo, Cars, and Horton), play outside, play with blocks, go to Mimi & Buddy's house, play with Grammy & Grampy and swim in their pool, and FaceTime with Midge, Luke, and Davis.  You love all of your relative and name them all, including Mikey, UM, SueSue and all the peeps named above.  You also like to say, "Mommy, Daddy, Nash, Sissy, Gus, Mac, and Zeus. Family!" 

So far, we've been enjoying the summer.  We took a long break to Three Sister's Acres, have spent several weekends with Grammy & Grampy, have played tons in the back yard, and have been on some play dates.  Good times!

You and Sissy (and Mommy) have a summer cold, so we've pretty much been stuck together.  It's been okay though. Lots of cuddling, coloring, movie watching, and some outside time before the heat sets in.  As soon as Daddy gets home, it's play time!

Speaking of Sissy, you are super sweet to her. When she was in the swing, you became very concerned (you don't like the swing) and demanded, over and over, that we "Take Wren out."  You never call her wren.  I guess that's your serious talk!  You also like to give her hugs, let her tough your arms (she has cute little curious fingers) and take her toys.  You are a great brother.

You are counting to 10, trying to count to 20, saying and identifying your ABCs, using your imagination to look for butterflies and dinosaurs, listening to books like crazy, enjoying books where you find things, singing, dancing, jumping (new trampoline), and swimming (with Daddy).

Nashy, you are a wild one and we love you so.


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