Monday, July 23, 2012

NAP: 29 Months

Dear Nash,

Nashy-poo, Stinky-poo, Nashy, Nashers, Nash Potato.  Those are your names and you respond to them all!  You also sing "Nashy-poo, I love you, You're my little stinky-poo-poo."  Yep, poo poo.  It's already funny!

We have had a busy summer so far.  With a month to go, Mommy's getting nervous about how I am going to keep you entertained, but so far so good.  We have been going to bounce houses, play dates, the pool, playing in our improved back yard, and taking lots of early morning walks.  You and Wren sit in the double for a couple of miles and then I let you walk the last quarter mile.  You have a couple of must-see stops along the way.  Two stops are called "the pretties." The first one has recycled glass in the flower bed and you like to line up the colors.  The next stop is counting the stepping stones.  Then we walk on "the balance beam," which is someone's landscaping timber.  The last, and coolest stop, also called the pretties is a Xeriscaped yard that has little animal figurines, giant balls, groundhog sculpture, a fountain, and a sleeping dragon.  It doesn't get better than that! You are such a good buy and wait for me at every corner (though I don't give you too much space!).

You have been eating like an animal.  You are loving some broccoli, hummus, FRUIT galore, chicken, ketchup (dippy), PB&J, and lots of snacks.

You are still sleeping in your crib.  You sleep pretty well at night, though you have been getting up before 6 am.  You nap for almost 4 hours though! You haven't shown interest in getting out yourself, but I know a big boy bed is on the horizon.  I think you will like that.  I just worry that we won't!

You are making lots of sentences and stringing words together is a thoughtful process.  I am impressed at your quick responses.  Today I asked you what the mobile in your hand was.  You said, "it's the bears to put baby to sleep."  It wasn't super clear, but it was very clear that you understood and could easily convey an idea.  You call dominoes "Daddy Dots," which is super cute.

You still are awesome with Sissy.  You are generally careful around her. You are happy to bring her toys and have started showing her how to play with some things.

Nash, you are one month shy of two-and-a-half.  You are turning into such a big boy.  You are still very into what your interest are and not into what the rest of the world is doing.  You are pretty laid back until direction comes you way.  Them, you are very strong-willed.  Sounds about right for this family.

Sweet boy, we love you dearly.  I love watching you grow and think and learn.

I love you,

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