Monday, July 23, 2012

WDP: 7 Months

Sweet girl, we have started calling you by your name.  It became clear that you had no idea who you were.  So, you are Wren.  And Sissy. And Sweetie, but mostly Wren. And Wren Pie.

You are such a wonderful chubby baby.  You are sitting up, though you fall over frequently.  You almost always prefer to sit up. Sometimes you roll around on the floor.  A few times we've found you on the other side of the room.  Not by crawling, but just rolling around!

You giggle, laugh, babble, and coo.  You cry, but not nearly as much as you used to, thank God.

You really love your immediate family and I have heard that you have been going a little easier on the baby sitters.  We will see soon how you do with your grandparents and aunts and uncles as we are going to see them soon.

You have started eating solids and like Brother, you love prunes!  I can mix prunes with anything and you'll eat it.  Also like Brother, the grains we have tried make you gassy.  We will lay off of those for a bit.  The Prilosec you take for reflux also upsets your stomach, so you are also drinking prune juice.  We hope that does the trick because you are frequently uncomfortable. You are still nursing as well.

You sleep like a champion.  Re-read that sentence.  You are an amazing sleeper.  I am sure that just by putting that in writing, I am jinxing us, but the world should know.  You go down before 8pm and sleep until 6:30 am.  Champion. When our schedule allows, you also take two decent naps. If not, things get a little harrier.

You are pretty laid back and just love to be on your people.  Yes, direct contact is necessary!

Oh, and super important news- you have two teeth coming in.  The bottom front ones are through the gums and moving their way up.  They are very cute.

Wren, we are enjoying having you in our life.  I love dressing you.  I love picking you up in the morning and getting your warm baby cuddles.  I love your baby breath.  I love making you giggle.  I love your rolls and your wispy hair.

I love you,


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