Saturday, August 25, 2012

WDP: 8 Months

Wren Pie,
You are growing so quickly.  Is that how I begin each of your updates?  That is certainly how I feel.  Good gracious, sweet girl.

You are finally sitting on your own, unsupported for long stretches.  You still have very little interest in being on your tummy or back (that darn reflux), so crawling does not even appear to be coming soon.  You are pulling up on Brother's train table and reaching to get things, even if you have to scoot or topple over to reach them.

You have started forming your ba-ba-bas.  How quickly talking begins.  You also seem to be making the sign for dog when you see ours.  Hmmm. I'd better refresh my memory on baby signs.

You are eating like a champ!  After some issues introducing grains - issues solved with prune juice - you seem to be adjusting to solids just fine.  You nurse first thing in the morning, have fruit and grains for breakfast around 9, nurse and have some sort of veggie or fruit and grain at 12:30, nurse at 3, have sliced bananas, avocados, veggies and puffs around 5, and a big bottle of breast milk around 7:30.  You are loving puffs and just today started feeding whole ones to yourself.  You are so proud.  I am excited.  You have no idea how much more cooking I will be able to accomplish with you entertaining yourself with bits of food!

You sleep through the night most nights, sometimes waking to find a paci.  I have taken a tip from other moms I know and you now go to bed with a few pacis.  That does not always ensure that you will look for one, but my nights of running across the house to shove a paci back into your mouth are decreasing.

You are very happy.  Daddy, Brother, and I can get you to belly laugh often.  You like the jack-in-the-box, the basket of play food, blocks, holding onto the train table, and just watching the activity.  You still prefer me when something is not right - hungry, tired, over-stimulated.  But, you are going to your grandmas more easily, which they both cherish.

Sister, we love you so much.  We love your big, two-tooth smile.  We love hearing you giggle and shriek.  I love holding your rolly body and I especially love when you snuggle in. You are a yummy baby.


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