Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NAP: 31 Months

Dear Nash,

What a busy month it has been.  I keep telling myself (and this blog) that I will try to update sooner, but that never happens.  Please just know that I am running after you and toting your sister instead of writing on time.

You are still such a busy boy!  You started mother's day out at the end of August.  You are in the Frog's class.  Each day when you arrive, you take your frog picture and put it on the log.  The first few days, you just went right in and started playing.  Then you caught a cold (imagine that- a cold after the first week of school - so typical!) and things didn't go as smoothly.  But, I hope we are back on track now.  You seem to like your teachers and the tiny bit of structure school provides.

You are very into dinosaurs right now.  You have a few little toys that you carry around any play with.  You frequently talk about T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and a bunch of other ones that I can't even pronounce.  I had no idea that there were so many dinosaurs - tons more than when I was a kid!

You also love watching TV and movies.  You like Wall-E, Toy Story, Ice Age, Dinosaur Train, and Thomas.  Of course, we have to limit this or you would watch TV all of the time.

You also love your boy cousins - Luke and Davis and Luke and Joe in Iowa!  You talk about them constantly.

The terrible twos seem to be upon us.  No is always the first response out of your mouth, before you even think about the question.  You also want to do what you want when you want to do it.  Sounds like your parents to me!  Daddy is ready for you to just listen, but we know that that might be a ways off.  We still do a lot of redirecting, over-explaining, and time-outs, when necessary.

What are directing us which way to drive in the car. You climb on everything, all of the time.  You say "that one this" instead of this or that. You say, "yes, sure, of course" when we offer up something especially awesome. You love your family.  All of it.  When we leave Sissy with Daddy, you ask about her.  At night you recommend I go check on her.  You like "new water" before bed, along with Kiss Goodnight and Stinkyface.

OH and you tell us, "I LOVE YOU!"

Nash, each month brings such wonderful new things.  I hope you'll let me love on you forever and ever, sweet wild boy.


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