Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WDP: 9 Months


Sweet girl.  We are just loving on you!  You are a very good baby.  Much of that comes from us having more experience this time around and knowing how to help you when trouble arises.

You are a bubbly, smiley, giggly, happy baby.  We can easily make you laugh.  Animal noises, peek-a-boo, brother laughing or dancing, Mommy bouncing, and Daddy just walking into a room are your favorite giggle triggers.

You are eating much more food these days.  You like baby food and we even give you some with grains in it.  You LOVE puffs.  You like to chew small bits of carrots, celery, bananas, peaches, grapes - really whatever we cut up. You also drink water out of a sippy cup- big girl! I am still nursing you a few times a day as well.

You sleep very well at night and even take two good naps, if we are home.

On that note, you have teeth!  The bottom middle came in first.  Now it looks like you are getting the top four and the next two on the bottom.  You seem to be in a decent amount of pain.  Thank goodness for Ibuprofen.

You are still not crawling, but you are sitting, pulling up, and getting in crawling position.  I will not encourage further movement.  It will happen.  And I will have to learn to be in two places at once.

You have started waving, clapping, and using the sign for dog (we think). You also full-body flap when something exciting happens (like Mommy reaching out to pick you up!).  We say, "flap flap."

Wrenny Wren, we so love you.  I love your little fingers and how you slap my chest when you are happy.  I love  your smiles and how much you love Brother.  I love having you as my baby.


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