Wednesday, October 6, 2010

NAP: 8 Months

Dear Nash,
You are 3/4 of one year old! My, my how time flies. I think I basically knew about you for about this long as you grew inside of me. And to see you now...

You are awesome. You are such a happy boy. You make "jokes" and then laugh at yourself. While Dad and I have no idea what you are saying, we laugh right along with you. You crack us up! We are starting to see other little glimpses into your personality too. While most of the dime you are laid back and happy (like Dad), sometimes I see the serious side (like me). Last night you put on good show of not smiling. Don't worry, we won and got you to laugh and smile eventually.

Speaking of Dad, you now say, "da-da". We are pretty sure that everything is "da-da", but you also call Dad "da-da", and he will take that! I sometimes hear him practicing "ma-ma" with you. You have yet to say it, but I find it adorable that he tries.

You sit and play and pull up and roll in all directions, but there is still no crawling around here. I am 100% fine with this. I know that we're going to be chasing you in no time, so having a couple extra weeks of not worrying where you are going is good with me. It just occurred to me that I am going to be worried about where you are for the rest of my life, literally. Yep, I am going to soak in this time even more now.

You are still nursing and eating baby food. Prunes are still the fave, though you love your puffs, and like whole fruit in that nasty puree bag. We tried some formula again the other night and you pretty much hate it. I am not totally on board with weaning right now, so this is fine with me. Still no teeth, thankfully.

You are recognizing the dogs more and more and you love to play with their feet. Good thing that they are very patient with you. It is kind of gross though when I go to kiss you and you smell like dog feet. Ewww. We wash hands a lot around here!

You are sleeping on your tummy now. You do this all by yourself, as we still follow the "back is best" rules. Sometimes you get stuck though and have to be rolled back over when you get upset. You really are not a great sleeper. We have to re-Ferberize frequently. You still wake up to nurse at about 3am nightly. I would cut that out too, but that's 8 hours from your last nighttime feeding, so I think you really are hungry. I am tired, but you are adorable.

I am so looking forward to the Holidays and sharing them with you. We have already been soaking up this Fall weather with walks and lots of playtime outside. Happy 8 month birthday, son. We love you and your precious smile.


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