Saturday, November 6, 2010

NAP: 9 Months

Dear Nash,

You are 9 months old today. That is 3/4 of a year (not 8 months as I wrote last month and no one called me out on). You have officially been out as long as you were in.

I cannot believe how big you have gotten. Your 9 month checkup is next week. We will learn more about your stats then, but you are starting to do such big boy things. You are attempting crawling. You move a few paces, then sit down or lunge toward whatever you have your eye on. You pull up on everything. You can sit from the laying position. Frequently we come into your room to find you sitting up in your crib. You also like to scoot toward the bottom of the bed and turn the music to your mobile on. You have just started dancing to music. You wave, give low fives, and even snuggle a little.

You are always investigating. You use your index finger to poke and pry at battery covers, details in toys, and places where screws are. You are very curious. You love playing with toys, and just recently, you have started to love to read. I should clarify, you like to read 3 books: Dog, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and some random book about puppies. We desperately need to get more books by these first two authors as Mommy and Daddy new some new entertainment.

You eat like a champ. You like baby food, Mum Mums, cut up fruit (kiwi, peaches, strawberries), couscous, rice, and biter biscuits. You still nurse 4 times a day. That will probably change after our next checkup though. After another round of sleep training, you are sleeping very well too. You love me and as much as you are attached to me (duh, I am your mom), you love your Daddy the same. He reads to you, plays with you, cuddles you, and knows how to make you happy.

You are our little human. You make us laugh all of the time. Our hearts have grown so much and amazingly, grow more with you all the time.

We love you silly pants,


1 comment:

Camp Cremers said...

ok, you're making me cry over my work keyboard. Nash is one lucky kid!