Saturday, November 6, 2010


Internet, this has been a couple of tough weeks. First, Mimi had to have emergency surgery that resulted in a miserable recovery for her. Luckily she is now resting, organizing, and pruning roses again at Three Sisters Acres. We were all very worried about Mimi. To show her how much we love her, we sent her this cute video:

Then, Mommy, Daddy, and I all came down with one heck of a virus. We have very stuffy noses, aches, fevers, and just generally feel bad. We all got flu shots, so hopefully it wasn't the flu, but if it was, it was mild thanks to those injections. Mommy and Daddy have been torturing me many times a day by sucking the snot out of my nose, but they keep mentioning that it hasn't settled in my lungs and how that's at least something.

We're hoping for a speedy recovery for everyone, especially our Mimi.

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