Monday, December 17, 2012

NAP: 34 Months

Dear Nash,

What a fun month it has been.  Well, beside the illness, that is.  You have had a language explosion!  You are also finding things you really love, which is fun to be a part of.

So, you had croup a few weeks ago and then a secondary infection.  But, you are much better.  You are super into Legos and dinosaurs, though right now, everything is about Legos.  I cannot believe that you are not even three and these tiny pieces are everywhere!  You love them.  You sit at your table and play with them for long stretches.  We bring a bucket of them to dinner and you just hang out and play with them.  Legos are the greatest, except when I step on them!

You are very busy still.  You love to play outside and go to school.  You like to climb the most, but kicking the soccer ball, and running around come in close.

You sleep awesome at night, but not so much for naps.  I get about 3 naps a week, despite how hard I run you.  If you don't nap, you almost always sleep later in the day and that never goes well.  Today, I caved and gave you cake after a late nap just to cheer you up!  Great parenting.

You love your friends and family.  You love "Daddy Kevin" and sissy and I know you love "Mom".  You constantly talk about Luke and Davis   In fact, today you told me you wanted them for Christmas.  You chat about Mimi and Buddy, Grammy and Grampy, SueSue and Mikey, and Midge and Uncle Matt too. You LOVE your peeps.  You are also into your friends.  You seem to like sweet-hearted friends and click well with a few boys and all of our co-op girls.  You are not into playing with aggressive boys so much (though you have your days).

Right now, you say thinks like "Mom, please" and "Please Stop doing that".  You are also speaking in similes   That really gets me. Your memory is really good.  You have started singing as well.  Rudolph and Jingle Bells are faves.

Nashy, I so love you.  You entertain me like crazy.  You crack us up and keep us on our toes.  I wish you would nap more.


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