Monday, December 17, 2012

WDP: 12 Months (1 year)

Happy Birthday sweet girl.

One year ago right this moment, I though I was in labor.  They sent me home, only for my water to break the next morning.  When you are a Mom, if that's what you choose to do, you will realize how wild it is to look back over the first year of your child's life.  You went from tiny being in my stomach to this walking bundle of personality. I am so glad you quit crying all the time too!

Wrenny, you are such a fun little girl.  You are happy and curious.  You love to try to figure things out.  You are strong-willed and like to get your way.  You refuse to sign even though you know how, because you know I already know what you want.  We, you and me, and very tight.  I don't ever let you cry or whine or be without.  I like to jump to your every whim and usually it's okay.

You did fall back into a crummy sleeping patter for FOUR MONTHS.  I simply could not listen to you cry.  Daddy agreed that it was terrible.  You cried like someone was trying to hurt you.  No one was.  Finally I was tired enough to listen to it and I let you cry for HOURS on end.  That lasted four nights.  Now you sleep.  You are a smart girl.

You are also fun to take out.  You love to be outside and you love music.  If we can find a patio with music (and a playscape for brother), you are golden.

You also love to eat.  We aren't sure if lactose is a problem yet, but we just feed you until we are concerned that you might pop. You love fruit, meat, and carbs.  You LOVE macaroni and cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

Oh, and WE MADE IT.  I successfully nursed you for a year (As a side, I have been either pregnant or nursing for 4 years!).  I have slowly started weaning you, but am in no hurry.

You are so close to walking that it is silly.  You take 8-10 steps at the most, but are scared.  I bet you will be walking by Christmas though.

Sissy (that's what we call you 85% of the time), you have changed our family in so many way.  We now have pink and ruffles everywhere.  We have another little person to entertain, who also entertains us.  We care and dream and love even more.  We absolutely love you.


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