Friday, June 4, 2010

At It Again

So, this morning I decided to spice up my wardrobe and use a giant purse as a diaper bag/purse. I pulled out my huge brown leather bag that I got in Mexico two years ago. You know, the one that I bought solely because the clerk did not make me pay for the scary sculpture that I broke. It was a set up of epic proportions, I tell you.

Anyway, I started digging though the bag and clearing the trash out. Yes this bag is large enough to dig though and hold trash. What I found reminded me of a totally different time in my life. There were three Luna bars, a string cheese wrapper, and a list of exercises from my sis-in-law. People, this bag was last used at a healthier time in my life.

Just this week, Aud and I decided that we were going back on WW and doing it together. We also decided that it would be silly to join before vacation, so we're a few weeks from the official start date. In the meantime, we agreed to be conscientious and just watch what we take in. And would you know it Internet, I have been watching so well! I watched as I ate cheesecake and lemon cake yesterday. I watched as I ate Mexican food and then a cake ball for lunch today. And, I can guarantee that I will watch the consumption of some empty calories this weekend.

I am terrible, I know.

So, in the coming weeks I will begin updating on my progress. I have to hold myself accountable somehow (other than simply having my little sis show me up!). Get ready for the big ball of fun that is my weight loss journey.

Off to find more sugar...

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