Monday, June 7, 2010

NAP: 4 Months

Dear Nash,

You are awesome. I feel like I really don't need to say more than that, but I will because your awesomeness can be explained. You are such a little person. I feel like you communicate with me in so many ways, through lifting your legs when you want to bicycle, screeching in joy, rubbing your tired eyes, and getting fussy when I listen to NPR when you want to listen to pop. You really do like Top 40 music. It must be the beat.

You watch everything Dad and I do. Your still blue eyes track us across rooms. You get so excited when Daddy comes home each afternoon that you squeal in delight. You love to play with a few of your toys, especially Ellie, a blue elephant that Mimi let you swipe from her collection. You tolerate tummy time for much longer and are getting to be pretty strong. You hold your head completely and love to "walk" on our laps. Dad even helps you walk across the dinner table some nights.
You still love bath time. You alternate between sucking on your hands and kicking so hard that water splashes all over the kitchen. Dad and I love it! Speaking of hands, you love those things and your feet too. You love to hold your feet in your hands. That makes diaper changes a bit of a challenge, but it's so cute that we're up to it.

The only time you are fussy is when you're tired (you never get hungry as you eat every 2 hours during the day still). Putting you down is not too difficult, but we are trying to kick the swaddle, so we'll see if that statement stands next month. Oh, and did I ever tell you that right before you are "officially" asleep that you smile? Oh yeah, precious.

And the biggest new baby accomplishment: YOU GIGGLE. Sweet boy, that giggle warms my heart, literally. I run from whatever room I am in to see and hear that giggle up close. Typically we have to work very hard to get you to giggle, but it's worth every tickle and high-pitched song and dance. Just once you giggled spontaneously, when we arrived home from a trip and I laid you down on your changing pad. Boy were you glad to be home!

Don't tell our pediatrician, but you also went swimming for the first time this past month. You liked it, for about four minutes. I am still trying to decide if it's worth all the changing to put you back in the pool.

While you are warming up to others in your life, you still prefer me and Dad. The people that ease into holding you tend to do better than those who just grab you. You seem to like to get to know your friends first. But, all bets are going to be off soon, as we're going on vacation with Mommy's side of the family. Don't worry, you are going to get a few good days with Daddy's side before we leave for our trip.

Nash, I am positive that there are a zillion other awesome things that you do, but we can't make all of the other babies look like deadbeats, so I will brag no further. Until next month, of course.
I love you to the moon and back,

1 comment:

Audra said...

These letters make me cry every month. I cant wait to get my hands on that baby! See you in 6 days Nashers. Oh and I wont grab just nab!