Thursday, August 18, 2011

NAP: 18 Months

Dear Nash,
You are WILD. At one and a half years, you are running the show. If you are not running, climbing, or getting into everything in the house, you must be watching Elmo. That's the only thing you will settle down for. Notice I wrote settle. You aren't even still when watching TV either. You are climbing onto everything, which can be a little scary for us. You also are getting to be more adventurous at the park and trying to slide down big slides by yourself (insert heart attack for me).

You have been sick for two whole stinking weeks now. You have had hand/foot/mouth which manifests itself as a rash (only on your hands and feet) and low-grade fever. It also lead to inflammation in your sinuses and an ear infection with high fever. Your HFM is very contagious so we have been home for TWO WEEKS. You and I both are about to go stir crazy. Luckily the mornings have been cool so we can walk outside and in the evenings we play in the water. Don't tell the utility company; we're on water restrictions.

You are talking like crazy. You ask for help to get on the bed, pull out the tent, or anything you could use a hand with. You also offer your help to feed the dogs, help us type on the computer, and take out the trash. What a sweet guy you are! You have started singing songs and will fill in the blanks on Shoo Fly, Hot Dog, Baby Bumble Bee, and Twinkle, Twinkle. You like music a lot.

You have also become quite cuddly. You give great hugs, love kisses, and snuggle more than ever before. I absolutely melt for those hugs and kisses and Da loves to snuggle with you in the mornings. You also blow kisses and kiss some of your stuffed animals. You pat the pugs and are generally very good to them. Don't get me wrong, you are still quite mischievous and like to play in the water bowl, destruct toys, and climb and hide. I am pretty sure that you will be just like your cousins and spell the word TROUBLE first.

We go for your check up next week and while I am sure you have grown tons, you're still my little guy. You eat like a horse and now constantly ask for food. Veggies are still a strict no, but you love meat and fruit. Carbs are sporadic as well.

You start Mother's Day Out at the end of this month. I am excited and nervous, but know you will love it. You already love to read, draw, and play with other children. Hopefully you will love those things when I am not around too. We'll see!

Nash, Da and I are having so much fun with you. You certainly keep us on our toes. And laughing. And wondering. And hoping. And praying. And dreaming. For too many things to count.

I love you,

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