Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Lovin'

We've been having a blast this summer. I know you can't tell from this blog, but we've really been doing a lot.

Nash and I find something fun to do at least 3 times a week. We also joined in with some other friends and created a babysitting co-op. This has been such a blessing, especially since my work has picked up. I still work mostly nights and weekends, but it's nice to have the ability to pop out to an appointment when necessary.

It's really hot here. I know if you're reading this, it's probably really hot where you are too. We tend to play inside lots. In the evenings we also let little Nash play in the hose/sprinkler/baby pool. We are constantly looking for swimming spots too!

Being silly with Daddy's "hat."

Luke, Davis, and Midge came up for a visit. We celebrated both boys' birthdays with cupcakes and presents.

Nash loved the cupcakes.

Luke and Dave with their new Star Wars lego sets.

Nashie as a cupie doll.

Smiley cupie doll.

The Walters family came for a visit. I love this pic of the boys all watching TV, including Baby C. We did lots of fun outside thing when they were here too, but Elmo in the morning always rocks.

Nash is big into helping when he wants to.

Here's Nashie helping with the hose, his favorite chore.

We had a family reunion for Buddy's Grandmother's side of the family. We were again on the Orange team for family games. Daddy and Nash played lots so Mommy could help with the festivities.

Here's a pic of the whole Woodland crew.

Daddy and Nash hanging out at Mimi and Buddy's.

Here's a very tired Nash learning to fish.

"If you're really quiet..."

"You'll catch a little fish!" (Or in the case of Buddy's pond, if you put a line in the water, you'll catch a fish!"

Here are Nash and Daddy simultaneously working at the dining room table.

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