Monday, January 5, 2009


I feel like Oprah. Except that I am not 56 and have not been battling my weight for 40+ years. And I am not a multi-millionaire. Nor do I have my own TV show. Ok, I feel like Oprah in one way. I am tired of battling my weight. Just last week I told my sis-in-law (SIL) that I think I might be a yo-yo-er for the rest of my life. Being the nutritionist and personal trainer that she is, SIL told me that that was not going to happen.

Today, I am recommitted to getting in shape. According to my other favorite TV personality, Dr. Phil, you have to give yourself a measurable goal with a deadline, in order to succeed. You also need a plan. So, here she blows:
  1. I will lose 17 pounds by June 2nd (KP's bday). My goal weight is 130, you do the math.
  2. I will enter my food and drink in daily.
  3. I will complete at least 1 hr of weight training and 2.5 hrs cardio per week.
  4. I will post a picture of myself in a bikini on this blog by June 2nd.
  5. I will maintain my goal weight for the remainder of the year, unless the stork visits.

That's it. That's my plan. Many, many thanks to SIL for her support, including always being cheery, a discounted gym membership, random exercise names, a meal plan, letting me use her mask to look like Darth Vader, setting work-out appointments via outlook, toots, and being super-supportive.

I will keep you all updated, I haven't decided how often, on my progress. Hot by June.


Jamie said...

YES! You can do it. You look great, but if you don't feel great, it doesn't matter. I am about 9 days in, and I already feel soooo much better. I've read it takes 3 weeks to change a habit, so stick it out girl!

stephaniezamora said...

I agree with Jamie, you gotta do what makes you happy. BUT you are already HOT, no one can do the bus dance like you. But eating right and exercise are always a plus in life, good for the mood and self image.

why is my word verification forsimmo? what does that mean?

Kori said...

Ok, I think I fixed the Jetboil thing.

Now this one not only are you channeling Oprah, but your inner Kirstie Allie as well! But obvs you'll be way more successful!

My verification word is finta, I feel like it's a bad word in some other language.