Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Me - Week 3 Update

I skipped week 2...I guess I was just trying to get it together. Things have been going okay. I have not been great at entering all of my food into my food log, but I have been counting my calories and working out. Sounds like things have been going great, right? Wrong. I had major slip-ups this past weekend.
First, Friday night I went to hh (happy hour for you non-committed to drinking people). I drank beer because it seemed too early for wine. And too casual. So, one beer turned into several and then my good-time loving friend ordered me a margarita later in the night. I put up no fight and proceeded to have another. No, I was not driving. I woke up in the morning feeling just awful. Saturday, good-time loving friend and I went to the gym, burned off those bad calories for over an hour and then I crashed. Oh wait, I ate Chinese food and then crashed. Another good choice. Sunday I woke up all refreshed and committed to a healthy day in great weather. KP and I went shopping and about two hours into the adventure, he said he needed a beer. Yes, it was the afternoon! So, we went over to Doc's has some beers, I ate fajitas, and then we had more beers!

All night Sunday night I kept waking up with feelings of serious disappointment in myself. I don't do failure well. And failure in my book is anything that is not success. I feel like I let myself down so terribly that it wasn't even worth the good time.

So, I am on the wagon. For at least a couple of weeks. I want to see some dramatic differences and drinking and eating crap is not going to get me there. I am committed at least until next weekend, the 31st and if there aren't some noticeable changes by then, I will commit to longer.

I have lost one pound in 2 weeks. 16 to go till goal.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You go! I've heard it takes a few tries before some changes stick, but the fact that you're making an effort will definitely show. Just give it time.