Sunday, May 9, 2010

NAP: 3 Months


Dear Nash,
You are three months old! Actually, as usual, I am a few days late, so now you are 13 weeks and 1 day. Please forgive my tardiness, I am busy raising an infant.

We have had a lot of fun in the past month. We regularly take walks with our friends, play at home, and run lots of errands. You are great in restaurants and in the car. You sleep like a champ at night in your own room. We're still trying to figure out how daytime naps fit into your schedule and because you tend to "wait" instead of nap, we're putting you to bed earlier and earlier, with the same wake up time result. Like I said, you sleep like a champ at night. For this, I am very thankful.

You still love your bath. We took you out of the hammock part and now you are a splashing machine. Tummy time is becoming less traumatic, which is good because I think you're supposed to be spending more time preparing your muscles and limbs for mobility. At this point, that's a dirty word though.

We call you so many things, I wonder if a nickname will stick. You are my own little animal sanctuary; I call you Monkey or Little Bird the most, but when you do something silly, I call you goose or turkey too. We also call you Little Stink, probably because Midge and Mimi call your cousins some version of Stinker. Grandma and Grandpa call you Nash Potatoes, which is adorable, but I have a feeling you're going to nix that one in early childhood, like I nixed Amy Doodle.

You have recently found your hands and are amazed by all that they do. You like to stick your whole hand in your mouth and are sometimes disgusted by how it tastes (like after lotion). You like to play with the hands of whoever is holding you too. You also really like the fan. When you spot it, you smile that huge gummy smile. I have named fans Fred. It makes it less creepy for them to have a name.

You seem to be a bit of a sensitive baby and prefer your Mommy and Daddy over others already. I am sure this has nothing to do with the fact that you and I hang out all of the time and I spoil you rotten. Nope. Not possible. You are doing better with being (over) stimulated. You last quite a while now, but then need a good nap. It's all just part of the growing process.

Today is Mother's Day, son. I am so excited to be celebrating my first Mother's Day with you. You are the pride of my life. I hope that doesn't sound trite if ever you read this. It is so true. You make me feel proud and accomplished. You make me feel like I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

I love you,

1 comment:

stephaniezamora said...

Beautiful mommy! and he has gotten so big and cuter (if that is possible). Miss you guys, wish I could come visit more.