Friday, May 21, 2010

No Time

I don't want to sound like another cranky mother complaining about how I have absolutely no time to do anything, because if you are a Facebooker, you know that's not true. I have time, but it's just thrown at me in very small increments at random moments throughout the day. I cannot live without Facebook. I am a true addict. In order to keep my addiction going, I FB while Nash feeds, in bed before my eyes close at night, and during those rare moments when my child is asleep and there isn't something else demanding my attention. That's only happened twice. In nearly four months.

But really, time is flying. I cannot believe that we are nearly 15 weeks into my son's life and I have not found the time to open a huge stack of bills (oops), watch the three Netflix that have been on our entertainment center for months, call some people back, or revive my Perez Hilton addiction.

Actually, that's one addiction that I have had less of a hard time with. I'd much rather know what my boyfriend from 6th grade is doing this weekend than who cheated on whom in Hollywood. I don't know those people. I like their gossip, sure. I am not fundamentally opposed to them being constantly photographed or bothered. But when it comes to prioritizing, this girl goes to FB before Perez. Sorry, Perez. Now, if you had a decent Mobile version, I might check that too before I fall asleep at night.

Anyway, this here's my way of saying that while posting pictures of my adorable, wonderful, perfect, amazing son is so freaking awesome and still going to be a top priority on this blog, you're again going to have to read or scroll past my random rants. I'm back. I hope.

And because I just wrote this, my child is going to start sleeping even less and I won't have any time to even turn the computer on. Reverse Psychology with the Universe.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I wish I could just "like" this. No time for an actual comment. :)