Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy (End of August) Friday

That's right readers, this here is the last Friday in the hot month of August. It's really hot here. In fact it's been 105+ for several weeks. The last few days have been more mild as a cool front blew in and too temperatures to the high 90's. Wow-wee.

We've been taking morning walks. I get to ride in the BOB facing forward now. It's awesome! I get to see the cars, dogs, and all of the nice grandparents who are out walking and working in their yards.

It's so hot that Mom doesn't like to cart me around in the afternoon, so many days, we play inside until the evening. Mom's getting creative with things to do to entertain us both.

Here I am in my bed with ALL of my stuffed friends. Ymmm, Peter Rabbit's foot tasted great!

Aww, sweet polar bear. I ate his nose shortly after this picture was taken.

What? You don't have this many friends too?

Here's my sweet boy face.

Sometimes when I have whined enough, Mom lets me look at my mobile still. She knows she supposed to take it down, but I like it. And for all of you safety nuts, she swings it out of the crib at night. (Oh, SueSue, Mom and Dad lowered my mattress on Sunday.)

Happy Boy!

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