Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Friday

Hey There Blog Readers,
As you can see from below, I am an eating machine! Mom was worried because for months, I would turn away from the spoon, make gagging faces, spit, and scream to show my disdain for solids. Things have changed. I can't get enough of this stuff! I will eat it all: green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, but my favorites are PRUNES. Good thing too, because my Prilosec was causing some stoppage, but the prunes have cleared that right up!

So, if you're ever over for dinner, you better watch you're plate (and your clothes, because I fling some food)!

Happy Friday. Love,


lilly's pad said...

Is that a spoon in his mouth or a paintbrush? I love that his legs are also covered in carrots!

Frank the Tank said...

Wow. You must be really into posting. My name is Frank from a school in the outward suburbs of Chicago. I'm doing posts for a class SOCIOLOGY. I'd really like some insight from some people out of the area to get a better experience on my blog. It's certainly a project. So can you (and tell all your friends to) follow me so I can get a lot of feedback from my comments. Thank you for looking into this I appreciate it so much. Follow me and I'll Follow you

Eva said...

love love love the naked baby covered in food pics