Friday, August 6, 2010

NAP: 6 Months

Dear Nash,
You are six months old today. My goodness, where has half of a year gone?

Where to start? Sleep, maybe? You are finally sleeping well again. I hate to even write that because I feel like the universe like to play tricks on me, but I must share your awesome progress. After nearly two months of yucky stomach, gas, reflux, sleeping at a crazy incline, getting into our bed at night, crying it out, and lots of tears on everyone's part, you have settled into getting yourself to sleep and staying that way, for the most part. Daddy does have to go in on occasion and rub your belly, but you are doing great at getting yourself to sleep. The key? No exceptions. I am not allowed to hold you while you sleep at all. While this upsets me, I know that it will help you to be a better sleeper later on. And, it makes for a happier family, all around.

We took you to the doctor today for your 6-month check-up and you weigh 16.2 lbs (25th-50th%), are 26 inches long (25th%), and your head is 46cm (90th-97th%). That is a big brain, son!

You are still exclusively breastfed. We tried to give you formula one night, just to see if it would help you sleep, and you refused. You do eat some baby food, mixed with baby cereal. I hear that you really enjoyed peaches yesterday when Daddy and Aunt Ade fed you.

Nash, you are such an active boy! You kick kick all of the time. You roll over from front to back as soon as we put you on your tummy. You love to stand and to dance in your exersaucer. You love to dance around the room with me, destroy the closets and wood blinds with Daddy, and take lots of walks. This past week you also seemed to really enjoy the pool and alternated between chilling in your float and kick kicking. You are petting (pulling) the dogs, playing with toys, and reaching for pages of books. You laugh, babble, and blow lots of raspberries. You love peek-a-boo and even hide yourself. You still love bath time and our kitchen floors have to be mopped up nightly.

You now fit on my hip and I love carrying you around. You always brush your little hand along my arm while I hold you. You have started nuzzling in some and you give us big kisses by pulling our faces to yours and putting our noses in your mouth.

You are a cool little kid. I am pretty sure that you are strong-minded as demonstrated by your ability to almost out-Ferber me, your dislike of medicine, liking to feed yourself, and your drive to reach and discover. You also have a cool budding personality and I think you might be a little bit boisterous. Who would have thought?

You amaze me daily. You make me laugh and cry. I wonder about your future and cherish watching you grow. Dad and I talk about you and think about you all of the time.

Son, you are a joy. You are our person and we love you.


1 comment:

lilly's pad said...

I love your "love letters"!