Monday, December 22, 2008

Ouch or My Husband Beats Me or Damn Dog or SOLICITORS, grrrr

I just fell. Ate shit. Found the floor. Bit a big one (no, not THE big one).

I was in my typical 5:30 pm mode: clean up before KP gets home and it looks like I haven't been doing anything all day. Except today, I did lots. Usually I do lots, but today I did even more. I braved the cold (28 degrees), fought the shopping crowds, finally totaled our expenditures for the year (that's a freaking big one, and you other self-employed maniacs out there feel my pain on that one), vacuumed the leaves (yep, you read that right), went to home depot for a rake (they were sold out, not lying), grocery shopped, did laundry, and found someone to feed our cat while are holiday-ing (yep, finally claimed him as mine and yes, I made up a word). How was that for a run-on?

5:30 pm mode. I was happily washing the last dish in the sink. I had the dishwasher door open for loading, and as usual, all the dogs surrounded me. Then my phone rang. It was not a familiar ring, so I quickly dried my hands, turned to run toward the phone, tripped on a dog, then the dishwasher door, slid on my slippers, and fell to the ground. I landed on my right thigh and wrist. Ouch.

My first instinct was to cry, but then I laughed. You see, when I was young, 3 or 4 years-old, I had some reflex issues. Of course I did not know this. All I remember of these issues was the testing I endured to make sure I was going to be okay. I recall being in a padded room, laying on my stomach across a big ball and that ball rolling forward. Unfortunately, I do not think I put my arms out to catch myself. I think I just fell on my face. That's a serious ouch. Not only did I fall on my head, but there was a good chance that I was not going to have good reflexes for the rest of forever.

Luckily, things change and I caught myself this time. Just like I caught myself when I fell down several metal stairs at my graduation party. Remember those bruises? And the time I ate it crossing the 24th Street and Tracy laughed hysterically at me. And the time I tripped in the flooding rain and all of my things scattered into pools of water on campus at UT? Yep, just like all of those times. And this hurts, just like it hurt all of those times.

To add insult to (real) injury, it was a solicitor calling. And he left a message. Grrr.

I tell you, falling when you are big is not fun. Off to drink my pain away.

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