Saturday, February 21, 2009

Up Already, and Blogging.

I created this life. No, I don't believe I created my own being or destiny or that fate is impossible. I do believe that human will-power is a beautiful thing and can accomplish wonders. This is not what I am taking about this morning though. I created a house full of small dogs that run my life. KP has something to do with this as well. We are push-overs so they sleep in our bed, lay on our couch, and cuddle in our blankets. Essentially, they do whatever they want.

I am up this morning, and blogging about it, because our youngest canine, Mac, has a cough. It sounds like he's got a chip lodged in the back of his throat and he can't cough it up or down. KP thinks its phlegm and gave him a benedryll, the cure-all in our house, which happens to not be a decongestant and did nothing for the cough. After going to sleep at midnight, I woke up to coughing in my face at 1:15, 3:15, 4:44, and 5:53, at which time I got up with little Mac, gave him some crackers and tried to go back to bed. KP asked what I did to make quiet him and when my answer involved food, he said, "oh, I thought you strangled him." I thought about it, and then i remembered that he is helpless and I love him dearly.

From that point on, I tossed and turned, until finally deciding to get up at 7:30, hoping that the vet's office would miraculously open at 8 on a Saturday morning. No such luck; 9 it is.

Waiting, waiting, waiting...poor little Macaroon.


stephaniezamora said...

Oh poor macaroon and poor you too. I hope it is nothing. Izz gets a hack every now and then but she chews on sticks and we think pieces get lodged in her throat sometimes. Hope the vet bill is light. We are headed that way too, Izz has rubbed off her face again. A real girl would never do this.

Kori said...

Is Mac really short for Macaroon? I think that is the cutest name I have ever heard!

adp said...

UPDATE: mac has tonsilitis. he will be fine, after two injections and antibiotics. Yep, this dog is officially mine, as he's obtained an illness that's more human than dog. No, Mac's full name is MacElroy Romeo McConnell Cramer Paczosa, a story for another time. Macaroon, Mac Mac, Mackers, and several Mc Donald's references are all his nicknames.

adp said...

KP told me I forgot his fave nickname, Mac N Cheese.