Friday, May 8, 2009

Pedicures and Martinis at the Club

KP decided to take a self-induced break from the sauce for a couple of weeks. While I am sure this is great for his liver, productivity, and other aspects of our life, he's starting to drive me bonkers.

KP is the ultimate busy body. You know what it looks like when a three-year old has to pee? Jumping up and down, moving feet anxiously? Well, that's what KP looks like in situations that require him to be calm, minus the crotch holding.

The first Christmas I spent with his family, we sat around and talked at the dining table for about an hour after dinner. KP, required to sit in a chair, had to do something to get his creative energy out; thus, he built a structure out of the left over asparagus. Thankfully, we were eating with his family and not mine. At the time, my Dad would have shared some tips on table manners. Now, he'd congratulate Kev-o, as he calls KP, on his engineering skills.

These past two weeks have been filled with work and projects for KP, including painting the exterior of our house, working 55+ hours this week, and mowing the lawn twice.

So, last night KP says to me, "Are you going to be around this weekend? There are projects to finish around and I could use your help." And the way it sounds to me is, "How dare you have relaxed with a friend for 2 hours this evening. I busted my arse mowing the lawn after a 12-hour work day, and I even edged and blew the scraps away. You better help me finish painting the house this weekend."

I myself have been working like crazy for 12 days straight now, and am feeling like I need a weekend. Who cares if the house is only half painted and that all of the clean laundry is in a pile on the guest bed? I want to relax! I need to relax. Plus, I do have 2 clients that need attention this weekend, so I know I will be working some too.

My answer to KP should have been, "No hun, between pedicures and martinis at the country club, I won't have time for projects this weekend." Instead, for the sake of my marriage, I said, "of course, let's get up early and paint, then I can go on appointments, and maybe swim in the evenings." Just the weekend I was looking for.

The green house. It actually looks much greener in person. We need a new garage door, which we will paint brown. KP is building some sort of awning this weekend?

The well manicured lawn, cut on a diagonal, like a baseball field.

1 comment:

stephaniezamora said...

wow! seriously, your lawn looks amazing and I love the green. I need a pedi too :)