Rad is now about 13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds. He's starting to fill out! I can tell by the movements in my belly that he has less room to move around in there than he did before. It now feels like he's stretching more than flipping around.
I am SO ready to have his room together, but I still have to wait. The bedding wont be here for a couple more weeks, plus our baby showers are a few weeks out still. I am so excited for them. I can't wait to see everyone, with this huge belly!
I feel good. I am less tired than I have been, and I think I am on day 10 of no nap, if you don't count the 5 minutes that I closed my eyes on Sunday. After a weekend of rushing Pugs to the vet, yard work, and a bit of work frustration, I needed those 5 minutes.
In less-than-roses pregnancy news, my nose has started bleeding this week. I am so thankful that I was not one of those children who suffered the embarrassment of having red fluid flow from their faces and having very few options of how to stop it other than putting their heads between their knees. I now feel sorry for those children; back in the day I just thought they were gross. Nose bleeds really are gross though. I hope these are short lived.
Also, I have no undergarments that fit my rear end. Technically it is probably not my rear because I have no real rear, as my sisters remind me frequently. It's probably just the ever-expanding everything that's causing this issue. Luckily for my body, I gave the manties to Paul for his bday. (The manties are a pair maternity panties found under a bed in Galveston several years ago that make their way around a group of friends.) I am serious...I need something bigger...loincloth or time to go shopping?