Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Out of the Closet

Literally. I spent the better part of the day yesterday finally doing what I promised I'd do here. As you can tell from this post, I am a little behind in life. But please, give a girl a little credit...I have paid our bills, closed more homes since I became pregnant than I think I did all last year, and have somehow have not forced my husband to leave me. Now that's success in my book.

Since outgrowing my normal, non-spandex clothes, and receiving Older Sis' humungo-bucket-o'-maternity clothes, I have had an interesting system working for me.

Basically, I separated her clothing into three piles: wear now, wear when it gets colder, and never wear. Wonder what got relegated to the never wear pile? Older Sis has maternity jeans that are a smaller size than I started out. Mind you, they are spandex on the top, but my thighs still have to squeeze into those suckers. Plus, anything baby pink went into that pile. I am not feeling pink these days. Maybe it's the correlation to Miss Piggy.

So, All of the wear when it gets colder and never wears went back into the humungo bucket and the wear nows went into a laundry basket. I have been living out a a laundry basket for over a month. Until now.

I am not sure why I was having such a hard time parting with some of the things in my closet, others I understood completely. For example, the napkin-size backless boob covering that I wore for New Year's 2000 was an easy one to let go; no one my size or age or social class should consider wearing an article of clothing that resembles a flamed disco ball, not to mention would expose my gut, one boob, and back fat. I did have some trouble letting go of a shirt and two skirts that I rescued from my Nina's closet. I have never worn them, but they made me think of her. I had a little heart to heart with myself though, and realized that I have memories, and a few other things that I do use often that make me think of her. Out with the hippie skirts and polyester shirt.

In sum, I am delivering six bags to Goodwill, put two bags in the trash, and two in recycling (who knew there was that much plastic and cardboard in my closet?). I also went through the Baby's closet last night and ditched half of my coats. KP will not get rid of any of his nine coats, so please expect to see him layering a bomber jacket, a military jacket, a puffy down jacket, and a leather smoking jacket over two lightweight jackets and what he affectionately calls his Grandpa Sweater. I feel confident that this will happen as I have challenged him to wear every single one of those coats at some point during our four-day long winter.

Here's photographic evidence of what took place yesterday.

Clean Out in Progress...it took over the entire bathroom, plus...

Most of the bedroom. Please don't judge me for my missing bedskirt. I have a pissing dog who likes to mark that one thing in particular.

After. Pretty Closet.

KP's after. I cleaned his out too. But, it's about to see an influx of old, crappy, oversized coats.

1 comment:

Maple said...

Your closet looks great! Looks like you're really getting into the nesting :) Let me know if you want to tackle the Ferguson closet-nightmare!