Monday, September 28, 2009

IOWA 2009

We hopped on a series of planes last week and headed for the metropolis of Boone, Iowa. Honestly, if you are a Boucher (KP's mom's family), it is quite a hub. We thought it would be time for a little relaxation, but it was more like, go, go, go fun!

KP is one of 11 (I think) grandchildren that range from 39 to almost 3. Then there are the great-grandchildren. I think there are 5, with ours making the 6th. Nine of 11 grandchildren and two 1/2 of five great-grandchildren were present.

Between food, bottles of wine, and laughter, I can tell you it was a great time. It was awesome to get to know the little cousins, who were either not born or newborns the last time we visited. Hanging out with the Aunts and Uncles and adult cousins also provided lots of fodder for years to come. (No, but HOW did we get Indian blood in us? Talking in a deep voice, with Grandpa always answering with the time. You're going to walk home!?)

These pics are in backwards order. BLOGGER!!!
KP at the airport headed home. We had a 7am flight, which meant getting up at 4:30. No big deal, except that KP and Grandpa went to bed at 2! KP had a hint of Eau de Booze on in this pic.

We took family pictures in Tod and Carol's beautiful back yard on Saturday evening. Everyone wore white, which didn't stay clean for long after the photos! Here is Uncle Tod with two nephews and a grandnephew (niece's son) feeding the koi. I had to look that relationship up.

Tod and Carol's beautiful home. Grandma's hanging out on the porch with the pooches.

Uncle Kelly with his daughters and nephews. The pond was a magnet for white clothing!

KP and ADP with baby Rad. We told everyone that we are naming the baby Rad Danger Lightening Awesome Paczosa. Rad is short for Radical, of course.

Ade with a cheetah nose on. She looks hot.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Ade shucking corn. It was delicious even though it was late in the season.

The state capitol, with some random car in the picture.
At the new and very impressive Des Moines Sculpture Garden, Me and Rad at almost 21 weeks, plus a lot of home cookin'.

KP and Grandpa inspecting craftsmanship.

KP, Ade, and Grandma hanging out under a creepy tree.

Ade's a thinker.

We should have some proofs of the professional pics soon too. I love how much the family's grown! Now, Bouchers...come to Texas!!


Eva said...

Looks like a great family trip! I can't believe you're 21wks already!

stephaniezamora said...

I am a dork, I scrolled to the bottom and read the pics backward.

More than half way done, wooo hooooo!